Online Database, your comments please.


I am currently working on the online database system.

The system will allow searching for locations by, country, county, town, district and postcode.
You will be able to choose what type of location you are looking for.
Each location will have Google map images, user rating, user comments and a description.
Users will be able to submit, update and search locations.
Users will be able to produce their own custom POI files with their choices of locations.

Then at a later date it will be linked to apps that download the database and use it on mobile devices.

Without making it to complex to would be nice to add more info where possible like:

  • Tv reception
  • 3G reception (for major networks)
  • water on site (or distance to water source detailed in description
  • rubbish bins
  • booking required (pubs, etc)
  • space for how many vehicles
  • how busy is the location
  • distance to local shops / pub
  • hook up
  • free or charged
  • dog friendly
  • child friendly
  • toilets

comments please
access, ie really narrow roads for us big buggars, and also for disabled users, as some of our members are disabled
This is excellent news and just takes this forum to another level.

It's nice to see you dont sit back phil and you have future plans for the site.

Well done I cant wait.
a couple of things spaces how many ,sizes based on what think most standard m/h are under 20 ft so could be small under 15 medium up to 25 and large over this when aproxmating size of wild spots because i know of local spot i have probs getting mine in because of width mine is just over 4ft wide and wont put it forward as a poi because it is a pain getting there but it does me to get away from here as regard tv reception that is down to direction of antenna where i live we have mendip serving us here but can recieve the one in devon so would need aprrox compass bearing ie point it north east and litlle bit for those with directional ants and maybe just maybe hard of soft ground ie tarmac gravel or grass
and one more thing phil you certainly like your work with this site with all that you do and are thinking about doing i certainly give you my appreciation
For me this will be more useful than all the different sat nav formats put together. What with the postcodes and the export facilities it can presumably be used with sat navs too.

If you want some help crunching the data I would be willing to pitch in. For example I could do initial reviews and descriptions for POI local to me. I think other people have offered in the past to do their areas. Even if we only input data when it is up and running that may work, but also some initial data input could be helpful, depending on how you are setting it up.
Good idea Phil,
I hope that it will be in a "Full Members Only" section
Genius! I'd really like this as I am a heavy Google Maps user. The real plus factor is being able to add comments and info for other users so the db has more info.
Sounds great Phil, any info for the disabled camper would be very helpful. cant wait.

As usual you are ahead in your game, that sounds perfect. I'm not being ungrateful at all about the present setup (especially as it is the only one around) but it can be fiddly especially when internet signal is poor. The postcode and a street view are the most important to me and often the inclusion of a brief note on the poi has made my selection a good one.

Incidentally I was thinking whilst on the trip I'm just back from how much easier a postcode would make things.
I have had a few requests for the system to expand to Europe.
This may happen in the future but for now I want to concentrate on making this system the best it can be for Great Britain, however I will make sure that the facility for other countries is there for the future.
possible noise - yes i know a urban location will be noisier then a rural, but some urban places are still quite quiet.
Maybe useful to add bus stops to info about distance to local amenities?

The database sounds amazing by the way! :bow:

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