one for the ladies,,,,,a vist to a french hairdressers....all this talk of hairdryers


Full Member
The thread going off regarding hairdyers...provoked me into sharing this tale...and I promise 100 percent true.

I am an average bloke with average blokey habits, trumping at the wrong times etc.....and a touch old fashioned and Neanderthal in my ways.

Anyway, I was in Marseillean plage in the south of France , was given a job interview and as you do ...decided meticulous preperation wad the key..

Part of the preparation was a I wandered down to the local hairdressers whic was allegedly unisex.

My French at this stage was blossoming, I was told to take a seat and would be dealt with in due course.....

at this stage I was the only man in there, all the magazines I flicked through, all girly things like magnolia v lemon sorbet for the kitchen camel keepers weekly...or bells angels meet megadeath boy type things..

Increasingly uncomfortable...I was eventually summoned...and like a condemned man sat in the chair whilst a cape to fend off droppings was expertly adorned...

Remembering what I had gleaned from phrasebook and dictionary...and immensly self conscious blurted it out.

Bonjour je voudrais coupe mes chevaux vous plait...

At which stage hysterics raged in the salon ..

What I had said is hello , I would like you to cut my horses....

Cheveux horses... Cheveaux

I gave a cheeky schoolboy grin, after my lady had stopped laughing...gave me actually a really good cut ....and I got the job..

Still probably way off the mark with grammar...yes looking back very funny...but not at the time.
Of course whilst ...having hair cut I was practising my dismal French but left knowing more than I did when I arrived..

One of the funniest albeit in retrospect tales of my travels, you couldn't book it in a travel agents

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Thanks for that Channa... it brought back memories of when we lived in Brussels and it was a constant struggle for us British females not to talk about the state of our horses! :lol-053:

I think you did a better job of spelling it than I ever did :)
LOL. Reminds me of the time in Aranjuez near Madrid, I asked the waiter, in my best newly learned Spanish, if the soup had polla in it.
The waiter staggered off, gripping his side laughing, rambled machine gun Spanish to his compañeros - telling them what I'd said, who all fell about laughing. He then recovered his composure, returned to me and said, no, there is no penis in the soup.
Lesson: don't confuse polla with pollo (chicken).

My aunty paulinet Sheffield lass...straight as an arrow but spent most of her life married to my uncle mums brother

Years ago they took a package holiday to what was the hotel the waiter very friendly ..managed to drop a bit of the dinner in aunty paulines. Lap..

The waiter apoligised profusely ..and that was that other than they avoided my aunty Pauline with a passion

It turned out indigenous to Nottingham. My aunty had used the term don't worry me duck..

The waiter..not fully savvy with English construed the the term duck an get outthe way was best practice.

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