On a lighter note......Oh its been Wild Camping !!!!


Full Member
Some of you may have worked out , that I have found employment back in the UK, servicing mobile homes in late autumnn over winter, and from February to Novembers I have joined the entourage of a travelling Fair, basically doing anything and everything.

I am currently in Elland Road Leeds for the Great Leeds Valentines fair that runs through till the 19 th of February..

We got here last Friday, I towed a caravan with my camper which must have looked a sight, We have had water for one day, I think my tank has split and electric pops for fun....Bloody cold, And some of the work is seriously heavy ( Donkey ) I shant be joining a gym>
Incidentally I Intended writing a blog and have a few pictures if anyone is interested.

I have altered my gas arrangements and have crossed the line ...I now sport a 19 kg propane outside supported on a sleeper ......naughty but necessary.

To be honest first couple of days setting up I wondered what I had got into, in terms of physical effort I think only mixing a concrete driveway by hand came close.

Anyway today the fair opened , the lights and the cacophony of generators and Hydraulics ...(music) filled the air.

At 12 30 the Mayor of Leeds turned up, along with a priest and declared the fair open in front of disabled and disadvantaged children.
The chairman of the Showmans guild gave a speech a quick blast on the air horns and all is underway.

The Showmen between 12.30 and 3.00 pm let the children ride free of charge, they had the fair to themselves.

The harsh conditions and challenges dissiapated and became all worthwhile when you saw the sheer happiness on the childrens faces, The first time for a long time the hairs stood up on my neck a lump in my throat and eyes moistened.

If I were bothered to keep a diary, today weather aside was a good day

How wonderful for the children, they will remember that for a long time :)

Good luck to you channa, sounds like hard work!
The harsh conditions and challenges dissiapated and became all worthwhile when you saw the sheer happiness on the childrens faces, The first time for a long time the hairs stood up on my neck a lump in my throat and eyes moistened. Channa

Thanks for sharing that Channa. It should be a good reminder for us all to count our blessings when we're feeling hard done by.

And your present job brings back happy memories of my own days of honest hard labour. Give me a few days to get back into shape and I'm sure I could do it all again!
Yes, that's interesting, Channa.
I shall look forward to your reports.

My guess is you'll be a big fan of gennies and big red gas cylinders before too long! :D

sean rua.

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