omnistore electric step

john riley

My Burstner Aviano 725i step has stopped working,can anyone tell me where i can find the fuse to check. cheers
Give it a gentle kick

Spray WD 40 or something similar

Then give it a hard kick

This usually works for me
Hi my step on my sundance stopped working a new relay £4.95 at local motor factors ( 30amp 5 pin ) soughted the problem out. my relay is situated next to the main consumer unit. Places like halfords far more more expensive
Are you sure it's the fuse? We had an experience when ours stopped working,,,,we took it back to dealer and the guy sprayed it with a silicone lubricant and it has worked great ever since. He specifically said not to use WD40 as this apparently dries out???
He told us the steps were designed to stop if they catch against anything so that you don't cause damage if you have parked too close to an obstruction and the 'sensor' for this is very sensative so it only takes a bit of grit from the road to stop them operating.
My Burstner Aviano 725i step has stopped working,can anyone tell me where i can find the fuse to check. cheers

Hi John.

Your step fuse is in the elektrobloc which is made by Schaudt of Germany and is self resetting.

I have some manuals which will help you identify which one it is. If you pm me with your email address I will forward them to you.

The step itself does require occasional spray with a silicon grease type lubricant.

I have known the small earth switch actually wihtin the step plastic cover to malfunction. But that usualy only stops it from automatically retracting.

The wires leaving the Elektroblloc for the step are in the plug that is inserted into the socket marked BL 8 on the Elektroblock and are numbered 5 which is the negative wire and 8 which is the positive one. You could try removing this plug cleaning it gently and replacing it. Sometimes they get a film on the pins which prevents current from flowing particularly if the Elektorbloc is in one of the lockers that is outside of the van.

You may be able to put the probes of a multimeter set on Volts DC on the pins of the correct wires to see if the fuse is reset OK.

If your fuse is reset correctly and there is current flowing from the correct pins on the Elektrobloc then you will have to look towards the switch to see if it is ok.

Hope this helps, the main thing is not to panic and to check individual component in a logical manor.

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