Olympic Torch


Full Member
The Olympic torch went by the end of my road at silly Oclock this morning.




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The torch comes through my home town of Stockport on Sunday at 8.20am

Hoping to see it
It is here tomorrow. I for one will not be there to see it. I am boycotting anything to do with the Olympics because of the Committee's disgraceful behaviour with regard to Dow Chemicals and their treatment of the poor folk of Bhopal.
It is here tomorrow. I for one will not be there to see it. I am boycotting anything to do with the Olympics because of the Committee's disgraceful behaviour with regard to Dow Chemicals and their treatment of the poor folk of Bhopal.

O personally deplore the inclusion of female boxing...two target areas unlike tar kwon do judo....I.e.head and body...I thought it was dangerous a woman receiving blows to the breast...seems not
torch looks more like a cheesegrater every time i see it:lol-061:
Came through Pickering yesterday We stood for 2hrs and in a blink of an eye the carrier had been and gone. Have never seen so many police motorcyclists..some from the Met and support cars and coaches. What they are all needed for I don't understand.. just adding to the cost of the event as far as I can see

Olympics supposed to promote sport and health, so who are major sponsors? MacDonalds and Coca Cola. Could you get any unhealthier than that?

I want nothing to do with it.

The torch is coming through Buxton at around 5.00 pm, the busiest time of the day for traffic and no easy diversions. Needless to say, I will not be watching it!
In your first post you asked if we had anything to say?

Yes, you must be a Monkey hanger but ashamed to admit you come from Hartlepool. :scared::lol-049:

My lad is a Fireman (when he is not being Tina Turner :cry:). Tyne and Wear Fire Service were deeply involved with this ridiculous pageant. They had to have appliances sitting at various places on the route. A special vehicle also was part of the convoy. It is kitted out with a mobile laboratory in case 'hazardous substances and chemicals' are encountered. It has satellite technology to gain speedy knowledge of anything it has tested. It is costing an absolute fortune to stage. We have had no local news on BBC and ITV while it has been in the region, it is getting right on my nerves now. :mad1::mad2:
I get the feeling it was dreamt up by some non-job ex-teacher type. I can hear it now
"Oh wouldn't it just be absolutely fabulous to have a parade and we could even close
some schools".
Other person at meeting "but wouldn't that cause massive disruption to ordinary working
people and parents?".
<inserts fingers in ears> "obsoletely fabulous I say".

I don't remember voting for the Olympics or asking Lord Coe to do anything on my
behalf yet I am (as a tax payer) supposed to fund their "running around in a circle" hobby.
In your first post you asked if we had anything to say?

That's in my sig, i put it in one evening when I noticed how many where online and how few posts were being made. :lol-053:

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