Off to Goswick in the North East for a few days....via Gouthwaite reservoir.


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Freshly MOTd van (new rear safeT bumper bar as old one was sharpened to perfection.... I liked it like that BUT some folks are picky)
Couple of new brake pipes made up and fitted and a touch of attention with the hot glue gun.

Stopped at a spot with honesty box £5 for overnight and what would be a fab view of Gouthwaite réservoir BUT the tide appears to be out.
I've dispatched the memsaab to clear up the dumped BBQ coals....
But loverly spot for a 'deep sea diver'
Lucky you, very nice up there, enjoy.

Just don't get stuck on Lindisfarne Causeway if you go to the island! (but you'll know that already) :)
You'd be amazed how many daft souls do.

Looks like the weather is set fair, not too hot or cold - at least not on the coast.
Lucky you, very nice up there, enjoy.

Just don't get stuck on Lindisfarne Causeway if you go to the island! (but you'll know that already) :)
You'd be amazed how many daft souls do.

Looks like the weather is set fair, not too hot or cold - at least not on the coast.

Tend to avoid Holy Island (bit commercial)
We used to stay on a fab site called Beach comber at Goswick sands....
Right on the beach and pretty close to wild camping with facilities... Sadly closed now BUT a fab stretch of beach (especially geologically)

Nice bit of pork pie as well :)

Caramelised onion and pork... Used to buy them as whole pies from Tesco until typically they stopped selling them....
Yes apologies for the kitchen facilities in the ROC post (royal observer corps) left over from the cold War (staffed by volunteers who would likely of not made it out to monitor blast power and direction of any nuclear strike against us)

That one unlike a lot is still in pretty good order....

Trust you to notice the grub :)

Yeah, but have you seen the state of the kitchen it's in, Nabs?!

Environmental health would have a field day! :raofl:

You have obviously never worked in a quarry Marie, thats pure luxury, okay where I work now is better but... :)
Mental note to self, must have a visit up there !
Strange rock formations?
Mental note to self, must have a visit up there !
Strange rock formations?

Lots of loverly geology along this coast and well worth a visit
Just spent 4 hours walking along a completely empty of people beach....
Mental note to self, must have a visit up there !
Strange rock formations?

Yes, there's some fascinating stuff to hunt out, especially the ancient Cup & Ring markings.

Also, if you stroll some of the beaches in that neck of the woods, keep a look out for St. Cuthbert's Beads, or 'Cuddy's Beads'.

St Cuthbert's Beads

Cup & Ring:-

"Milfield Plain is enclosed on all sides, by the high ground of Doddington Moor in the east and by the Cheviot foothills to the west. This higher ground, surrounding the plain, is littered with the remains of many ancient sites, associated with the Welsh speaking ancient Britons and other earlier peoples.

Doddington Moor is particularly rich in ancient sites, especially in the vicinity of the hill called Dod Law, and also near the waterfall called Roughting Linn, further to the north. Most notable of the ancient sites is the ‘Ringses Camp’, on the hills less than a mile to the east of the village of Doddington.

The Ringses camp seems to be a focal point for the mysterious Cup and Ring Markings, which are in abundance hereabouts. The markings, which are found on rocks and stones, consist of dug out cup shapes and concentric rings. Northumberland seems to have the highest concentration of these in the country. Their ancient purpose is unknow
Well Gouthwaite reservoir was fantastically peaceful and frankly a bargain for £5...

Had lunch in Pateley Bridge before heading North East and running the legs off the hounds on the beach at Goswick sands (one of my fave Tractors (County 4x4) gently seeing its time out on the beach has pretty much put its feet up now.... Mind 7 years since I last visited havent helped)
Now tucked up on a loverly small site at West Kyloe farm.

Once made the mistake of stopping at Haggerston Castle. Truly awful place, noisy, fouled toilets, feral kids, vandalism.
Glad to get out!
Once made the mistake of stopping at Haggerston Castle. Truly awful place, noisy, fouled toilets, feral kids, vandalism.
Glad to get out!

Yea, but to be fair Haggerston is easily ignored/avoided, and it's the only really awful place of its kind in that neck of the woods :)
Yea, but to be fair Haggerston is easily ignored/avoided, and it's the only really awful place of its kind in that neck of the woods :)

It also keeps 'them' all in one easily avoidable place....

Thankfully where we are at the moment (West Kyloe farm) is truly stunning (if you like peace and quiet)
Loverly clean and scenic...
Last couple of days have been mainly beach days for the dogs....

I'm laughing at your brindle dawg, certainly knows how to stretch out & relax!

Got to say you've had the best of the weather for being up that neck of the woods this year.

Superb photos again :)
It also keeps 'them' all in one easily avoidable place....

Thankfully where we are at the moment (West Kyloe farm) is truly stunning (if you like peace and quiet)
Loverly clean and scenic...
Last couple of days have been mainly beach days for the dogs....

Brilliant pictures of the dogs.
I’ve lived in the northeast all my life and never heard of Boswick until this thread started.
Another place to visit me thinks.

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