After an enforced late start this year we should be heading for sunnier climes early May, but we're hampered by needing monthly scrips, as the wheels are slowly falling off the bus nowadays.
Does anyone know if there is a legitimate foolproof way of obtaining repeat prescriptions in Europe, in particular Spain and France, some sort of reciprocal agreement with the NHS possibly.
Our GP says that NHS rules now say we can only have 2 months scrips if we are travelling, and if we are away longer than 3 months he has to eject us from his surgery list.
We are hoping to tour for several months this year, mainly Spain and Portugal with a trip to Disney planned for August with the grandkids, so we would like to obtain them 'on the run' as it were.
We don't want to rely on our kids collecting them at home and posting them on, we've had experience of posting abroad before, with results anywhere form 5 days, to 12 days, to not turning up until a month after we left, as they are not something I can go without and the urge to stay alive is stronger than the urge to travel.
Sorry it's long winded and thanks in advance for any help.
Does anyone know if there is a legitimate foolproof way of obtaining repeat prescriptions in Europe, in particular Spain and France, some sort of reciprocal agreement with the NHS possibly.
Our GP says that NHS rules now say we can only have 2 months scrips if we are travelling, and if we are away longer than 3 months he has to eject us from his surgery list.
We are hoping to tour for several months this year, mainly Spain and Portugal with a trip to Disney planned for August with the grandkids, so we would like to obtain them 'on the run' as it were.
We don't want to rely on our kids collecting them at home and posting them on, we've had experience of posting abroad before, with results anywhere form 5 days, to 12 days, to not turning up until a month after we left, as they are not something I can go without and the urge to stay alive is stronger than the urge to travel.
Sorry it's long winded and thanks in advance for any help.