No gas again


Still having problems with my gas.
Disconnected my gas on arriving home then reconnected. Tested Gas and it worked but 3 days later back to square one Yes No gas.
So if it is a blockage will I have to renew the regulator and pipes in gas cupboard or could I just renew the pipes.

Flexable hoses????

Would gaslow pipes fit my fixed regulator

or would I have to change the whole lot
What actually is a gaslow hose

Hi Polly. Sorry to hear you still have problems.

I would suspect that your fault probably is in your regulator, it may or may not be due to gunge from the hoses, but if it is then I think the recommendation is that both the hoses and the reg. are changed and the new reg. is fitted above the top of the cylinders.

I have also seen on other forums where some people have had "gunge" get past the reg. and into the appliences. I don't know how true these claims are, but it's probably worth checking the output side of the reg. if you do have gunge in your system.

I see no reason that can't use "gaslow" hoses as I am sure they use standard POL fittings, but the suppliers should be able to confirm that.
Hi Polly, I seem to remember reading somewhere that there was a potential problem with the new bulkhead mounted regulators fitted to vans after I think 2005. I remember that when the problem arose the manufacturer was replacing the regulator with a new one but with a 90' elbow fitting screwed directly into the screw thread of the regulator.

I think the problem was to do with which orientation the regulator was originally fitted. When the flexible pipe left the gas bottle it rose up and then back down to a bulkhead fixed regulator, it mentioned that when not in use the gas in that initial section of pipe could turn back to a liguid (LPG). In that first small section of pipe the very small amount of liquid would run back to the lowest points i.e. back to the bottle and back into the regulator. The internals of the regulator could not cope with the gas in liquid form and would be affected (basically I think it rotted the seals or something and the particles of seal then could block the regulator)
The fix was to fit a 90' bend which forced the flexible pipe to be in a downhill slope to the bottle and not to the regulator.
I don't think I dreamt this, so I hope its helpful to you in your quest to find out what's wrong with your system.
My description may not be technically correct but I do remember the end fix.
Hi Polly,
before you buy any new items, remove the regulator and pipes, take them to the local garage and ask if they will blow them through with the airline, this should remove any "Gunge" in the system. Once cleaned up, fit the regulator higher than the bottles, then connect the pipes so that they don't leave a low lying loop or bend in the system.
If that fails try to borrow a regulator and test your system, the blockage could be further into your system if not been used for quite a while.
Good luck.


Happy Camping:)
Hi Polly.

It sounds like you've had problems with your gas installation before :mad: Firstly I dont know anything about you system but I've suffered from regulator failure myself so we can compare notes.

If you've got rubber hoses connecting the bottles to the reg then then these could be causing the root of your problem as they did in my case. The gas can in some cases leach the plasticizer out of the hoses. This looks like thin yellow oil. When & not if this finds its way to the regulator it reacts with the seals & diaphragm rendering it unserviceable. Having the reg above the bottles does'nt prevent this as the initial whoosh of gas on opening the bottles will eventually drive the goo up the hoses & into the reg. This is a one way process. Once the reg's got the goo inside it, it's only a matter of time before the gas flow stops. This manifests itself buy "running out of gas" when there is in reality plenty left.

The answer if this is the problem your suffering from is to replace the reg & the hoses supplying it. If it's a Gaslow install you have they can supply replacement stainless hoses containing no rubber. This cured the problem for me.

Hope you get sorted, D.
Is this a gaslow system if so check the T piece below the gauge you should be a ble to blow through it both ways.It has a plastic sliding valve in it that gets stuck I have got through 3 of theses in 18 months until i changed to all metal gaslow pipe.To get out of trouble work a small screwdriver into the T piece and hook out the valve.It will come out as 2 black O rings and a white plastic sliding valve.
gas problems


My advice for what it is worth is take it to a caravan/motorhome service place or call a mobile person out. I might replace a hose myself or even the regulator, but I certainly wouldn't do anything else. I wouldn't expect anyone male or female who is not handy or confident to do anything other than change the hose. Gas is dangerous and not worth playing with, get a man or woman in.

I agree with Jon, don't do anything other than take it to a dealer, or call out a mobile.
things you don't mess with on a van unless you are totally confident of what you are doing, are GAS and ELECTRICS, a van carries both and a faulty one of either can be life threatening.:eek:
may be there is an auto cut out valve somewhere in your system that needs replacing
these are suposed to close incase of an accident but a sharp bump may be hitting a pothole might have caused it to react in this way so shuttting off your gas supply
polly why not try cheshire caravans near dace motors on greg .st he is supposed to be ok.Agree with the others on the danger of d.i.y
but if you want to try blowing the pipes through i could do that
booked in with Spinney next Wednesday
not messing about with it
I'll have a coffee and wait for the verdict and I dare not look at their m/h for sale;););)
I can look BUT NOT BUY:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Your doing the right thing Polly, leave it to the professionals to sort out. At least then you will be able to Put the kettle on. Good luck.

Happy Camping:)
booked in with Spinney next Wednesday
not messing about with it
I'll have a coffee and wait for the verdict and I dare not look at their m/h for sale;););)
I can look BUT NOT BUY:rolleyes::rolleyes:
thats what i keep saying ,but been today and not bought another

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