Hi/ I found this website while seaching for info on google, You all look like you are very knowledgeable This could be my kind of website.
My wife and I have reached that funny age where you do strange things so we brought a 13 year old Pilote motorhome as ex boat owners we have been known to do strange things before but I thought all that was behind us. Me I'm a retired TV video engineer my wife of 43 years is best known as prop and general wiz kid, Greetings to you all
My wife and I have reached that funny age where you do strange things so we brought a 13 year old Pilote motorhome as ex boat owners we have been known to do strange things before but I thought all that was behind us. Me I'm a retired TV video engineer my wife of 43 years is best known as prop and general wiz kid, Greetings to you all