New cambelt fitted


Full Member
This has been done.
Vehicle based on Renault Master 2.5 DCI.
and a full service
I was not expecting to notice any difference BUT...
The engine seems a bit quieter and smoother....It was always good but now even better !
First registered in 2006
We bought it in 2010 with only about 4000 miles done
It has now done 41000 miles
so change a bit early on mileage but a bit late on time !
Any thoughts from the expert mechanics out there ?

This has been done.
Vehicle based on Renault Master 2.5 DCI.
and a full service
I was not expecting to notice any difference BUT...
The engine seems a bit quieter and smoother....It was always good but now even better !
First registered in 2006
We bought it in 2010 with only about 4000 miles done
It has now done 41000 miles
so change a bit early on mileage but a bit late on time !
Any thoughts from the expert mechanics out there ?

I think snap changes in engine speed is the main cause for reduced life in cambelts. Ordinary motoring with lots of cruising and steady acceleration should ensure a long belt life. I have done 100,000 miles since a belt change without any major problems in my car, so changing it early as you have done just gives a bit of a guarantee.
I think a can belt will break on start up it gets a sudden jolt before oil has circulated .then people crank at the starter trying to start the engine making sure the engine is wrecked .
This has been done.
Vehicle based on Renault Master 2.5 DCI.
and a full service
I was not expecting to notice any difference BUT...
The engine seems a bit quieter and smoother....It was always good but now even better !
First registered in 2006
We bought it in 2010 with only about 4000 miles done
It has now done 41000 miles
so change a bit early on mileage but a bit late on time !
Any thoughts from the expert mechanics out there ?

. You got it right now you got Peace of mind .
My Master has the 3.0 DC140 engine which has a Timing Chain. I keep meaning to try and find out when (or if) it needs changing.
My Master has the 3.0 DC140 engine which has a Timing Chain. I keep meaning to try and find out when (or if) it needs changing.
when it gets noisy or brakes whatever comes first .never heard of a service interval.
My Master has the 3.0 DC140 engine which has a Timing Chain. I keep meaning to try and find out when (or if) it needs changing.
on the autodata it says the engine code for 3.0d dxi zd3 604 & zd3 600
2003: 2007 change timing chain at 400,000 km.
il try to put copy of page up tomorrow.
We had the cambelt and pulleys changed on our ‘97 Ducato a couple of months ago. Mileage now 70000, last belt change 4 years ago at about 50000 miles, probably now on it’s 3rd or 4th belt.
Mrs S said she thought the engine was quieter and it’s certainly smoother than it was before.
No idea why this would be the case, maybe it’s just tightened everything up or one of the pulleys was getting noisy.

It’s a nice feeling though isn’t it, knowing for certain the belt will be good for a few more years.
on the autodata it says the engine code for 3.0d dxi zd3 604 & zd3 600
2003: 2007 change timing chain at 400,000 km.
il try to put copy of page up tomorrow.

Thanks Eddy. Mind you, I doubt I will reach that mileage. It's 12 years old now and only has 27,000 miles on it. :)

Mind you,finding info on this 3.0 Nissan engine is hard to find .... probably because I don't know where to look. :(
Ditto, cambelt/water pump change, plus full service. Was away last week, running sweet as a nut.

My Ducato is due for a cam belt change at the annual service as it's been on for 5 years.I am still undecided about replacing the water pump whilst it's being done,it is running well and I am usually in the ''if it's not broke don't fix it''camp.
With timing belts its normally the tensioners or idler bearings that fail in doing so throwing the belt a few teeth which causes a synchronisation fault between Camshafts and crankshafts resulting normally in engine damage. So always advisable to replace your tensioners etc when replacing your timing belt. If you have no history of belt change always best playing safe and replacing with kit, which sometimes does include water pump.
Timing chains do stretch and eventually become noisy. They are tensioned normally by your engine oil pressure so aslong as you keep up your oil changes with good quality oil a chain will last. Sometimes you have a slight noise on start up as oil pressure builds in process pressurising tensioner. But normally last a long time with no reall recomendations for replacing that i know of.
2006 Peugeot Boxer 2.8 HDi timing belt, water pump and associated fittings changed at 8 years old and 54,000 miles for my peace of mind :dance:

The official 10 years / 72,000 miles for my motorhome is a little long IMHO :idea:
My Ducato is due for a cam belt change at the annual service as it's been on for 5 years.I am still undecided about replacing the water pump whilst it's being done,it is running well and I am usually in the ''if it's not broke don't fix it''camp.
Water pumps normally shows signs of weepage/crustation around there bearings, something that you wont see until timing belt cover removed. If it shows signs of this its deffinatly worth replacing as previously smmentioned in another post the pump pulley is still part of the timing belt system. If it fails it will throw the belt. If you are getting the belt replaced its all stripped down anyway so hooefully for a few extra quid you might aswell replace pump. Have seen in past new tensions on replacement belts putting extra pressure on old water pumps bearing in process causing a leak which will eventually end up in bearing failure or belt contamination.
This is only for Cam belt driven water pumos though
Water pumps normally shows signs of weepage/crustation around there bearings, something that you wont see until timing belt cover removed. If it shows signs of this its deffinatly worth replacing as previously smmentioned in another post the pump pulley is still part of the timing belt system. If it fails it will throw the belt. If you are getting the belt replaced its all stripped down anyway so hooefully for a few extra quid you might aswell replace pump. Have seen in past new tensions on replacement belts putting extra pressure on old water pumps bearing in process causing a leak which will eventually end up in bearing failure or belt contamination.
This is only for Cam belt driven water pumos though

Thanks for that,I think I will get the water pump and tensioners done at the same time while it's stripped down,I do believe in preventative maintenance,in fact I haven't had to call out the breakdown recovery service at all in 12 years of motorhome ownership.

There are some things that are better not said and the above comment is one of them,something is bound to happen now.:scared:
This has been done.
Vehicle based on Renault Master 2.5 DCI.
and a full service
I was not expecting to notice any difference BUT...
The engine seems a bit quieter and smoother....It was always good but now even better !
First registered in 2006
We bought it in 2010 with only about 4000 miles done
It has now done 41000 miles
so change a bit early on mileage but a bit late on time !
Any thoughts from the expert mechanics out there ?


I replaced mine last year and noticed it had stretched a little so effectively making valve and injection timing slightly out,
after replacing with new kit Belt/pulleys/ adjuster and bolts it certainly felt better,
the water pump on the Renault 2.5 DCI is driven by a gear from the camshaft so doesn’t need replacing unless it’s leaking,
Unlike the Fiat engine where a failed pump would cause the timing belt to jump sprockets and bend valves and smash pistons,
Thanks for that,I think I will get the water pump and tensioners done at the same time while it's stripped down,I do believe in preventative maintenance,in fact I haven't had to call out the breakdown recovery service at all in 12 years of motorhome ownership.

There are some things that are better not said and the above comment is one of them,something is bound to happen now.:scared:

it depends on the age. the 1994 ducato has a water pump that is not
driven by the cam belt. it has a tensioner spring in the pump housing.
the water pump is driven off the fan belt. that is for the 2.5 diesel.

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