Ridiculous statement , of course you hear of travelers when they behave themselves , they disrupt normal life for residents in the area they decide to invade, live freely is a good point in your post , travelers DO NOT want to pay any money towards their lifestyle just plonk themselves down where they desire , often heard is there should be places for us [ the travelers ] to stay, of course there should be and would be if they would pay a fee to the local area for water , sewage disposal, rubbish collection etc but they are not interested in this just want it all for free, all Ok for them, let others pay for their idyllic lifestyles , and do not want to live as the rest of the population do , by the rules of society.
I may be a hypocrite as I love to wild camp when I can but would never leave rubbish , sewage ect , or tear around on quad bikes etc annoying others, I would never block peoples access to their property or break down their fences etc to gain access to the spot I wanted to park on.
NIMBIES you say, well maybe, why should unwanted travelers destroy the quality of life we strive for and have worked hard to obtain? , A few years ago the travelers invaded our local playing fields , there were dozens of vans, local football teams could not play their games local dog walkers could not use the area as the travelers dogs were running wild and attacking other dogs , rubbish every where, the fences removed to allow the vans to get in , the grounds churned up by quad bikes and transit vans driving all over the fields builders rubbish dumped all over the site and human waste too , You have all seen this done in your areas , so why should we put up with it , the more powers the Police etc have the better I say but must be regulated and used correctly.
We have to have rules as if not anarchy will prevail and looking at recent developments as seen on TV news recently, we are not far away from it ?
We have stayed on French Aires where travellers were dug in, they were well behaved , kept the area clean and tidy and were pleasant folks to speak to, so not all travelers are the same , as the ones we seem to get stuck with here in the UK.