Nervous Nelly


Full Member
Or Squeaky BT.
Not been out in Demi yet. I've had the last two weeks off. But what with the snow (wimp) and not feeling at my best, probably not a bad thing.

So here's the thing then, I work a 4 day week, Wed - Sat one week, Tues - Fri the next. So every other weekend I get a 4 day off, Sat - Tues inc. These are the
weekends I intend to use for the "getaway". So far, so good. But now I'm getting nearer to actually doing it, phew, I'm getting cold feet.

Quick summery. 1, I've not been camping for years. And when I did it would have been at a motor race circuit, with loads of other like minded people. Not on my own. And the weather is going to have to improve a lot before Nik has a try. 2, I'm nowhere near 100% sure how to use the Club web site, yet. I look up a CR or LU, and I get a picture, a location which is great, but has a zero rating. I have no idea if this is a safe spot, or someone has taken a snap while passing.

A case in point, my nearest LU is the layby, on the A43, Red Lion Pub, just east of J16, M1. Now, no body in their right mind is going to park anywhere near there, unless they have a 40ft Truck c/w a sleeper cab and a fridge motor that runs all night. It is in fact an overspill for the pub or one for those who don't want to pay, or continentals who have been "weekended". In short, I won't stop there, and I'd suggest it was taken off the site.

Back to the point. As I've said, I've not been out yet, And I'm beginning to fret a bit. Would someone like to buddy up for a couple of days over the weekend 24, 25, 26, 27 March? OR, tell me a place that you know to be safe, within 50 miles of Northampton. ( Send me a PM, I am a full member ), I like to hike , if that helps.
Or lastly, and the worst case, tell me to give up on the Wild Side and sent my fifty odd drinking vouchers to the Caravan Club.

Re Caravan & Motorhome Club. Not sure I like to join a club that would have me as a member. Oh! so sorry, you Guys' already have.

Your's Dadad. Feeling a bit low. Sorry to ramble.
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Hello Dadad, I can't offer to chum up with you as I am off to Spain soon and don't live near you but I would like to reassure you - most of the problems are in your mind. Use your common sense and gut feeling about a place, I have stopped in little laybys when there is no where else, but of course it is not an ideal place. Have another look at some of the stopping sites there must be something near you that feels more suitable - safer?
I don't know the size of your van, you can see mine in the picture and I often like to park up in quiet residential roads on the outskirts of a small town. You are not out in the wilds and I feel quite comfortable and safe. Once you get on the road you will find you are able to spot your own locations. I often find my own that are not poi's. I do not report them as I don't have data on my phone and I only have a very small van so the places may not be suitable for many. I have used unrestricted car parks and I find parking next to a white van seems to make me invisible.
Good luck and enjoy the excitement!
How about giving Lyndon Top (just over a mile east of Manton) on south shore of Rutland Water. Well within your 50 miles from Northampton. Water and dump facilities, about £7 per night. Lovely walking.
Hi ya,
I was exploring All around MK & Bedford for a few months two years ago now, & have to say I found good Wild Park ups are few & far between. Plenty of Lay-by & Industrial estates that are fairly quiet on the weekends though.
I think with the better weather coming & before you right off Wildeing maybe flip a coin & head on the M1 North a while, Wild sites open up in the Boarders...
I’m currently down on the South Coast by Littlehampton, Be Heading Up To Tonbridge Wells area Thursday for The Nests MOT then I will be Flipping a coin again myself, So let’s keep an eye out for eachother.
Can you think of a nice, quiet village pub .
Give them a call, or just drive up and explain your predicament. Spend a little money, while you're there. That should get you started.
Camping clubs and sites are for folk with no imagination... Or tuggers.
Have you thought about going on A meet ,full of like minded people ,welcome newbys ,great fun .
How about giving Lyndon Top (just over a mile east of Manton) on south shore of Rutland Water. Well within your 50 miles from Northampton. Water and dump facilities, about £7 per night. Lovely walking.

Thanks David. Not quite Wild camping !
Can you think of a nice, quiet village pub .
Give them a call, or just drive up and explain your predicament. Spend a little money, while you're there. That should get you started.
Camping clubs and sites are for folk with no imagination... Or tuggers.

Twas what I was thinking...Until I looked at some of these pubs web sites menu's. At £15 plus for a meal, one had Fish n Chips at £22.50. Add a drink or two, getting pricey. A paid for site and takeaway getting to be a no brainer. Dadad

Cheers Chris. I like Canals. I live near the Northampton Arm GUC. I've walked to Braunston from here. 20+ miles. Not do it again, Had to be rescued.
Isn't that Easter weekend? If so you may need to be searching and booking if you did want a site :)

I thought someone had posted about a get together the other day for that weekend but I am probably mistaken. We haven't been anywhere ourselves yet with bad weather and work and it will be our first time when we do get away.

I was intending going on a site for a night or two nights just while I got used to it and found how things worked, that way there is usually someone who can help out even if its just moral support. Then again I was always thinking of using a site every so many days for emptying and filling tanks even when I am up in Scotland. Now know you can just pay to empty and fill though so will se how it goes.

I would have though a meet would be your ideal even if it is somewhere where there is a charge, I know some of the pubs in the wilds round here used to have a small charge to stay unless there was a big group and they knew they would get money through drinks and food

Just come off the Caravan club site. Wow! That was an eye opener. £50+ to join, Then, add in pitch fee, per person, plus, plus. I recon it would be cheaper ( I know, I sound like a right tight wad ) to go to a pub site, and then eat the menu, all of it + a doggy bag.

Okay, trying to be sensible for a moment. What if, I pick the area I want to visit, look on the POI for 3 or 4 likely places for the night, and then have a couple of Pubs as back up. So, if I'm concerned about my safety, I've options. Does that sound like a plan? Over thinking, guilty, m'lud.

How do you plan your trips? Please share your ideas, your secret will be safe with me. Nobody reads this ;-)
Just to add, if you are an old git you get a decent discount of pitch fee's, cant remember if its 20 or 25% but dont think it counts in peak times. Will say on their web site, thats C&CC not C&MC

Just to add, if you are an old git you get a decent discount of pitch fee's, cant remember if its 20 or 25% but dont think it counts in peak times. Will say on their web site, thats C&CC not C&MC

Sadly, far to young. Only 1948 vintage. A mediocre year I'm told.
Thanks David. Not quite Wild camping !

Not far off, if you park in a far corner of the field. It’s a huge site. Parking in a pub car park is not exactly wildcamping either.
You are over thinking it and putting yourself off, just go out and do it, I know, easier said than done, but after the first few times you wont bother, just use your gut instinct, if you pull up somewhere stay sat in the driver's seat for a bit and see how busy it is etc, you can always move at anytime if you don't settle (even after you've gone to bed). We rarely plan before a trip and just find park ups when we're ready to turn in for the night. If you are very nervous then park fairly near someones house (not enough to annoy them), and then if you do find there's trouble, highly unlikely, you can sound your horn, and keep your phone close with details of where you are.
Cheers Yorkieowl,

Yes, your probably right. Just using the van for the first time, alone, although TBH, Nikki was never that keen, and now with extra family commitments, has the perfect excuse to do family stuff. New Grandchild due Septemberish.

So I'll load the POI's onto my phone, try to get my head around that. Take a deep breath, and go.

If what I read about Aire's in France, for the first time in my life, I envy the French. Never, ever did I think I'd say that.

Just come off the Caravan club site. Wow! That was an eye opener. £50+ to join, Then, add in pitch fee, per person, plus, plus. I recon it would be cheaper ( I know, I sound like a right tight wad ) to go to a pub site, and then eat the menu, all of it + a doggy bag.

Okay, trying to be sensible for a moment. What if, I pick the area I want to visit, look on the POI for 3 or 4 likely places for the night, and then have a couple of Pubs as back up. So, if I'm concerned about my safety, I've options. Does that sound like a plan? Over thinking, guilty, m'lud.

How do you plan your trips? Please share your ideas, your secret will be safe with me. Nobody reads this ;-)

You're getting there.
Pubs which charge £22 for fish and chips?

I don't think Heston Blumenthal or The Roux Family would welcome a motorhome parked amongst the Bentley, Ferrari and Rolls Royces.
Quiet pubs, in out of the way places are quite keen to attract punters, especially midweek.
You've paid for the POIs... Use them.

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