My thanks and wishes

David & Ann

Full Member
Today is my last full day on WC, as tomorrow I will be away until April. I wish you all on WC an enjoyable Festive season and a prosperous 2012. My appreciation to all the Members who have made 2011 on WC a most interesting experience. My sincere thanks to Phil for creating this Site and ruling it with compassion. To ***** (Graham) and Vindiboy for all their great information on Aires. Canalsman for his accumilation of POI’s. To John H, for his Legal and illegal (☺joking☺) advice and his knowledge. To KP who took my teasing in good spirits and did not complain. To Old Arthur, Dezi, Donkey Too and a few others whose names I cannot remember (I am senile) who made me laugh through out the year. My many thanks to all who have given so much advice, mechanically and technically. I wish you all, (all 10203 Members) good health, wealth and a safe journey in the future.
And a very Merry Christmas to you both - have a great time in Australia. :wave:
Bon Voyage, have a great time , Merry Christmas and great new Year, Malc.
just think of us freezing and dont forget your hat and sun lotion apart from that enjoy yourselfs have a wonderfull time
To a gentleman and his good lady,

Enjoy yourselfs :boat: :scooter: :drive: :rockroll: we'll be here when you get back (god willing)

p.s. there was another smiley i was going to put on butttt:baby:
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The condiments of the seasoning and a preposterous New Year to you both.

Be careful not to fall of the earth when you're upside down! Enjoy your travels, you might even find the odd PC and log in to find out what's happening here in the cold & damp
Hope you have a safe journey, dont forget the Avon skin so soft, gas cannisters, matches, sleeping bag liners.............. oh, sorry, forgot, your gunna Australia not Scotland :dance:

Really really enjoy yourselves, merry xmas and happy new year guys xx Jen xx
Don't forget to check under the dunny seat for Redbacks.:scared:
Sichere Fahrt!
Well thank you very much and the same to you both have a great trip and enjoy the time away:shag: !! Oop's I don't think I should have put that in but to late now:). don't forget while your over there everything that moves will probably kill you:danger::scared:. But have a great time and I hope to try to update us on the site of your travels:pc:.
Bye for now
Thank you, one and all for your kind wishes. Have a wonderful time with your families over the festive season and wish you all the best for 2012 Time to hit the road on my 11000 miles journey. Will be back in April, perhaps, might pop in to WC in Oz. Best of luck. David & Ann.

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