my funny caravan

n brown

Full Member
princess 001.JPGprincess 002.JPGprincess 012.JPGprincess 006.JPGprincess 009.JPG this is what i get up to in my spare time,and i don't even like caravans
Loving this n brown ........another one of your master peices :)
have you been watching George Clarkes' Small Spaces on TV?
have you been watching George Clarkes' Small Spaces on TV?
did watch a bit of it,but find him a bit over effusive! his fitter being capable of building a powered ramp is a ''genius'' worse quote for me was seeing him stood in a massive static caravan,wondering how he can possibly fit his family in a space ''no bigger than his bathroom'' !
he's from sunderland so all mouth and no trousers as they say (don't know what that means but they do!)
Different meanings.

All mouth and no trousers - basically a blaggard :)

Fur coat and no knickers - all outward show, no substance underneath.
Usually used "oop north" to describe people with fancy houses, cars, clothes and possessions who are up to their necks in debt :)
i would have said up to there necks in something else , but of course im to polite !!!!:tongue::tongue::tongue:
did watch a bit of it,but find him a bit over effusive! his fitter being capable of building a powered ramp is a ''genius'' worse quote for me was seeing him stood in a massive static caravan,wondering how he can possibly fit his family in a space ''no bigger than his bathroom'' !
I find that man incredibly irritating!, cracking job you've made of that van yooth:)

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