My Bongo

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My new adventure wagon.. Got it a few weeks ago - been up to the Lakes and headed to Glastonbury later in the month. I had VW before but this is a bit of luxury ( power steering..:D ) quite old and rusty but great fun to drive and as I'm a solo camper it's ideal
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My new adventure wagon.. Got it a few weeks ago - been up to the Lakes and headed to Glastonbury later in the month. I had VW before but this is a bit of luxury ( power steering..:D ) quite old and rusty but great fun to drive and as I'm a solo camper it's ideal

Im sure you will have a great time with Bongo. We had One for 2 /12 years and covered over 15 k. The bike rack should come in use too.

A college of mine purchased my old One form a garage a year after I sold it, when he sold it recently he only lost £400 after Two years of use.

I really like this ...Is it a full conversion inside ?
Do you sleep in the top bit or do you put down seats ? if so how do you find it ?
Sorry for the questions :)
We are going to have a look a few of these over the weekend ...we are completely downsizing !!! Not sure how we will cope as it will be me, my 6ft hubby and our rather large black lab will cope in something of this size although we will get a decent sized awning which will help, and I am pretty nifty at storage ideas etc.

It will be my day to day car so I have to be practical and not get anything too big. How do you find it fuel wise ??
Glad you like it ....I think they are great :D

great website "bongofury" will answer all your questions and more :D
I really like this ...Is it a full conversion inside ?
Do you sleep in the top bit or do you put down seats ? if so how do you find it ?
Sorry for the questions :)
We are going to have a look a few of these over the weekend ...we are completely downsizing !!! Not sure how we will cope as it will be me, my 6ft hubby and our rather large black lab will cope in something of this size although we will get a decent sized awning which will help, and I am pretty nifty at storage ideas etc.

It will be my day to day car so I have to be practical and not get anything too big. How do you find it fuel wise ??
Glad you like it ....I think they are great :D

We love ours.... We use it daily as a car and the fuel isn't that bad. Very easy and light to drive. We have two (collie and lab x) dogs that sleep under the seats when the bed is made up, no problems. We are looking to sell ours and buy a newer one but would def buy bongo again! :fun:
another bongo mad person hereBongo tripsept 09 015.jpgBongo tripsept 09 018.jpg
heres a pic and another at a sw bongo bash. we are all mad . you may fit in . bongo fury rules . you must practice the bongo waves . etc .
great website "bongofury" will answer all your questions and more :D

The Bongofury site is where I went before purchase - great forum loads of great advice. Mine has full side conversion - but beware the Bongo is a bit narrower compared to say a vw so having 2 full size folk in the downstairs bed might be cosy.. But it will suit lonely old me just fine! The steering is incredibly light - and as an automatic it's great as a daily driver. Well chuffed with it so far - you definitely get a lot for your money :king:
I really like this ...Is it a full conversion inside ?
Do you sleep in the top bit or do you put down seats ? if so how do you find it ?
Sorry for the questions :)
We are going to have a look a few of these over the weekend ...we are completely downsizing !!! Not sure how we will cope as it will be me, my 6ft hubby and our rather large black lab will cope in something of this size although we will get a decent sized awning which will help, and I am pretty nifty at storage ideas etc.

It will be my day to day car so I have to be practical and not get anything too big. How do you find it fuel wise ??
Glad you like it ....I think they are great :D

This was the layout in ours but not sure if a 6 footer would fit on the rock n roll bead ? He Probably would fit in the loft but it is like sleeping in a tent with the noise. still a great vehicle but once you have had the mod cons of a shower / toilet i dont think i could go back despite the fond memories.

P1000673.jpg P1000675.jpg P1000677.jpg
We love ours.... We use it daily as a car and the fuel isn't that bad. Very easy and light to drive. We have two (collie and lab x) dogs that sleep under the seats when the bed is made up, no problems. We are looking to sell ours and buy a newer one but would def buy bongo again! :fun:

Wow two dogs in a bongo:scared: that sounds like a lot of fun :drive
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This was the layout in ours but not sure if a 6 footer would fit on the rock n roll bead ? He Probably would fit in the loft but it is like sleeping in a tent with the noise. still a great vehicle but once you have had the mod cons of a shower / toilet i dont think i could go back despite the fond memories.

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That's pretty much the same layout as mine - you get a great idea of bed width etc from the pics
another bongo mad person hereView attachment 14463View attachment 14464
heres a pic and another at a sw bongo bash. we are all mad . you may fit in . bongo fury rules . you must practice the bongo waves . etc .

I've got my heart set on a bongo though i don't have the money to buy just yet (pending house sale) Doesn't stop me looking and pricing bongoes every day though.Cant wait!!!

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