Music Video of my Wildcamping Motorhome - MKP caravan on a Mercedes 814 Truck

Tha was fab ....I really enjoyed that..... Ooooooo going to get my guitar out now I feel a song coming on :dance:
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thanks for sharing,
I bought a banjo about 2 years ago from a bric a brac shop with the intentions of getting it cleaned up and learn to play it. Unfortunatley never got round to it!
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thanks for sharing,
I bought a bango about 2 years ago from a bric a brac shop with the intentions of getting it cleaned up and learn to play it. Unfortunatley never got round to it!

You should Lotty ...I only decided to learn the guitar when I hit forty and I am self taught. Give it a go you might suprise yourself and find it really easy. :banana:
Amazing, incredible; really sums up Wildcamping, perhaps it should be the Wildcampers Anthem, with Northen Rail changed to Northern Trail, as trains haven't got much to do with Wildcamping??
Looking forward to more, keep em coming, Billy!! :banana:
thanks for sharing,
I bought a bango about 2 years ago from a bric a brac shop with the intentions of getting it cleaned up and learn to play it. Unfortunatley never got round to it!

i'm not surprised,those bangoes are notoriously difficult to play.i play the bogpipes myself.
ta lotty,always happy to be passed a 'J' . never normally notice spelling but couldn't resist that one
thanks for sharing,
I bought a banjo about 2 years ago from a bric a brac shop with the intentions of getting it cleaned up and learn to play it. Unfortunatley never got round to it!

One of my ambitions Lotty is to buy and play a banjo
Wheres the rest of the band. Sounded like at least a 6 piece to me.

Liked the van, not sure about the music.
Bagpipes at Glencoe, a few years back (2009)

loved it, great, love bango's and blue grass.

Thanks to all ...

Thanks to all you guys who checked out the Video. I had not realised this forum was so busy - good news for me as Wildcamping is my favourite mode. I spend a lot of time in Ireland, and can point to some good places, also Dumfries/Galloway area, so when I get chance I will explore this site and post some tips. Next music video is underway - (The White Hare!) so watch this space. Thanks again. Billy
Willy Ruby Band

Wheres the rest of the band. Sounded like at least a 6 piece to me.


The Willy Ruby Band on this track comprises Billy Lloyd (banjo, vocals, vocal harmonies, tenor guitar, whistles,) and Johno Leader, Bass, Drums, Lead guitar. As you can tell, it was multi-tracked on the recording. The album also features Hannah Flynn (harmony vocals) and Jacob McCauley (bodhran) When we play live, Colin Blakey plays Bass, Pat Simmons on guitar. Check out Willy Ruby on iTunes, Spotify, and (soon) Amazon. Thanks.

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