Ooh photos... fab!
Tom's our resident photo guru... he seems to manage heaps of pics at once. There might be a better way that I don't know about but here's how I'd do it.
It depends how many photos you have really. If there are dozens, the best way might be to upload them all to an album on a hosting site somewhere, like Tinypic, One Drive or Google Drive - whatever you use - and then post a link. (Is there a photo facility with your blog site?)
Other than that, if there aren't too many, I only know how to upload 2 photos at a time to your 'store' on here... then you can click to add them all to a post at once. Like this...
In a Reply to Thread box, click the paperclip on the top line.
Then click Add Files (button with the green cross).
Click Browse and choose the 1st pic from your PC.
Now click the little + sign and choose another pic to open. For some reason, the system reverses the order of these.
Now with the 2 photos listed, click upload. A little thumbnail will appear in the bottom 'tray' area.
Repeat this process with 2 photos at a time until all the photos are in the tray at the bottom. You can slide them around to change the order and remove any you don't want by clicking the little cross in the top right corner of the thumbnail. Once you're happy, click 'Insert Inline'.
All the photos in the tray should now appear in the post.
I think you can do the same thing into an Album on your profile... first create an Album and then add the photos as described above. Then I think you can link to your Album within a post. Either way, it's pretty time-consuming but please don't give up... can't wait to see them!
Can't help with the children question.