I have to say if there was a fire and a load of P..sed up people where trying to push 4 tons of MH out of the way rather than drive it I think it would be safer for the least drunk person to take a chance and drive it 100 yards!
I think the biggest thing you need to worry about is when will you be safe to drive away in the morning. Not many people these days (if they have any sense) condone or actually intentionally drink drive, but how many have done it unknowingly the next morning? If you drink 8 cans of stella you best leave it till lunchtime! I learnt the hardway 12 years ago I wrote a company car off which ended upside down in a tree. The accident wasnt my fault and I had a witness say in court that I had been forced off the road by a speeding idiot coming the other way. We were camping in the lakes, I had gone for some shopping around 8:30 in the morning. Got breathalised of course at the scene, over the limit, promptly arrested and despite my witness and it being morning and me being just over the limit I was still banned! Hopefully we are all a bit older and wiser now!