fitted a Maxview 66cm dish to my Motorhome, the windup version, and can honestly say have had excellent reception through it. Takes less than 2mins to find the signal from astra or any other satelite that is pre programmed into the reciever.
For Southern Europe, the larger the dish the better, you will struggle to get some programmes from Astra with the 66cm dish.
Some say they have recieved Astra signal in the S of France, well yes if you want to whatch repeated 24 hr BBC news and Sky News, I have had these in Southern Spain, Portugal and the S of France.
But, the dish is worth it, and does not take up valuable storage space.
If I have a critisism about it, the LNB mounted roof guide gets rusty, so put more paint on it before mounting the dish.(white car spray paint does the trick).
Happy Camping