I know what I am going to ask my Mrs for Christmas. A new MH. And I know what she is going to say. "Drop dead" Well; you can't say I did not try.☺☺☺
But she did give me 3 presents during the course of 2011. In Spain, a MH, 6" long, 3 1/2" high and 2 1/4" wide. Roll the MH with my hands and let go, it scoots off until the spring unwinds. In India, a Tuk-Tuk (motorised cycle rickshaw) and in Germany, a Police van, same size as the MH but with Polizei plastered all over it. She thinks she has a great sense of humour. Little does she know I have left her out of my Will. ☺☺☺ Now that would be funny.