Motorhome Storage


Full Member
As I live in a flat I have to leave my motorhome in storage for 7 months annually. The site in East Sussex that I use has just informed me that my annual storage fees will increase by 30% to £1000 next year when renewal is due. This represents total increases of nearly 100% over the past 3 years. Even worse, the company is moving its motorhome storage to a site that is not 100% secure. The present site had secure entry by card, the new site has open gates during the day. Supposedly access is supervised and covered by cameras but nobody intervened when I parked up on the new site and wandered around. I suspect that my insurance premiums will increase accordingly.

I suspect that the owner is not so gently asking motorhomers to get lost since he earns more by renting containers on his sites.

I am consequently looking for another secure site for my motorhome. I am based in Brighton but I am aware that the south east is expensive for storage so I would consider a site some distance from home, even as far away as the Midlands, the South West and Wales.

I would be interested to know what others pay for storage throughout the UK and whether they have any recommendations.
Firstly, once you have found a place, you will have to find out if it is acceptable to your insurance company, different companies have different criteria.
Anywhere down south is costly. Not sure of the costs but not too far from you is Gatewick Farm (Google) it is very large and very secure, used to have a CL on site,
stayed there about three years ago and would recommend.
I would have a look on the Cassoa website.

We need a new storage facility from autumn next year. Our insurers stipulate Cassoa Gold. Two sites near Chichester ... one flooded previuosly, the other c. £75 pm, so the option is, as the op suggests, to travel!
Maybe rent out my driveway? £50 a month :) ?
But on that theme, I wonder what the situation would be if you 'stored' - or really parked - the Motorhome not in a registered storage facility but at a friends/family's home where they had suitable off-road parking?
We need a new storage facility from autumn next year. Our insurers stipulate Cassoa Gold. Two sites near Chichester ... one flooded previuosly, the other c. £75 pm, so the option is, as the op suggests, to travel!
I should start looking now. Many of the secure sites in the south east are full up with waiting lists, as I am finding out in my searches for a space.
Maybe rent out my driveway? £50 a month :) ?
But on that theme, I wonder what the situation would be if you 'stored' - or really parked - the Motorhome not in a registered storage facility but at a friends/family's home where they had suitable off-road parking?
Think it depends on the insurer, David; some will not insure if the M/Home is parked on the road, others prefer the on road parking because the Owner is more likely to be aware of any damage/vandalism at the time it occurred, rather than 'it was alright when I left it in storage 3 months ago ...'. The question is phrased, 'Where is the vehicle normally kept overnight?', and I have seen a couple of online proposal forms where 'on own driveway'; and 'on someone else's driveway' are listed as potential answers

i use a cassoa gold site at greetham rutland 2 x 6 monthly payments of £221 ,
The challenge faced is constantly falling value of fiat currencies.
It's going to increase in my view and it's not a happy time in history.
I isolate myself as best possible, however it's important to make contingency plans.
We are not alone my pastimes are being eroded fast by reduced spending power.
The challenge faced is constantly falling value of fiat currencies.
It's going to increase in my view and it's not a happy time in history.
I isolate myself as best possible, however it's important to make contingency plans.
We are not alone my pastimes are being eroded fast by reduced spending power.
Can't see the connection. All major currencies are fiat-based, after the Gold Standard was abandoned a century ago, so every country is in the same [economic] boat. If there were only 2 fiat currencies, one would be higher value [Keynes' Northern Europe industrial example], whilst te other would devalue [Keynes Southern European example for agricultural economy]. So, one currency appreciates whilst the other depreciates, according to its trade surplus or deficit. Modern Monetary Theory says that, with a codified tax system, both economies can appreciate, albeit one more than the other, provided that the extra fiat currency in circulation generates economic activity expansion

The notion that one individual can isolate him/herself from the world of fiat currencies is ludicrous; not even Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, George Soros et al can do that

To quote Mr. Richard Ashcroft...
"You're a slave to money, then you die"

Crikey... forgot this was about storage🤣
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To quote Mr. Richard Ashcroft...
"You're a slave to money, then you die"

Crikey... forgot this was about storage🤣
Or, on a lower level [intellectually and physically ...],

'I owe, I owe,
So it's off to work I go ...' :ROFLMAO:

Wo's feeling Grumpy today? Answers on a postcard, and if you're the lucky winner, you'll receive £5 in Premium Savings Bonds, before the £1.37 postal cost of entry to the Competition ...

As I live in a flat I have to leave my motorhome in storage for 7 months annually. The site in East Sussex that I use has just informed me that my annual storage fees will increase by 30% to £1000 next year when renewal is due. This represents total increases of nearly 100% over the past 3 years. Even worse, the company is moving its motorhome storage to a site that is not 100% secure. The present site had secure entry by card, the new site has open gates during the day. Supposedly access is supervised and covered by cameras but nobody intervened when I parked up on the new site and wandered around. I suspect that my insurance premiums will increase accordingly.

I suspect that the owner is not so gently asking motorhomers to get lost since he earns more by renting containers on his sites.

I am consequently looking for another secure site for my motorhome. I am based in Brighton but I am aware that the south east is expensive for storage so I would consider a site some distance from home, even as far away as the Midlands, the South West and Wales.

I would be interested to know what others pay for storage throughout the UK and whether they have any recommendations.
Do you really need a gurt coachbuilt or extra long wheelbase van? A 5.4m ish or at a real push a 5.99m van conversion or slim coachbuilt can usually squeeze into a regular parking space, which presumably the block has. But if you have only one alocated space and a car you are up a gumtree. Less is more, Wildaxe offer a sub 5m Ducato with a bathroom so it's a possible daily driver, thus only one parking space req'd.