John Cross – You don't know how pleased I was to read your post which I've only just come across today.
A few years ago I thought of hiring a campervan in the USA. Horrified by the cost, didn't. Looked at the cost of taking our van. £1500 each way – at the time there was a ship every week, or maybe every month – from Liverpool to Houston. So I thought for three months, not too bad. However, my
insurance company, Norwich Union, or AXA maybe at that time, wouldn't provide US cover. I shelved the idea and wasn't too regretful.
This year however, it's going to be done. It's booked, deposit is paid, flights booked and paid for. We're going. End of May. Picking the van up in New Mexico, dropping it off in Florida. One month. I thought it was dear. The van is designated C25 which means a coach built 25ft long. Fixed double bed.
Shot at 2011-03-04
So a total of £538 per week. Without unlimited mileage, which John offers free, it could have been much less than that. However, it's 1700 miles from NM to my destination in Florida so I wanted freedom from mileage worries. Provisioning kit is basically housekeeping stuff, the free personal kits are basically towels, blankets and what it says – personal kits.
So cheaper than John and nowhere near as expensive – comparatively – as I'd thought. Thanks for that, John.
I've joined Passport America to give us half price RV sites because there won't be much wild camping this trip – maybe the next one. I've booked already into two sites costing $20 in NM and $15 in Florida. That's per night including electricity and, in Florida, connection to water and sewer too - though I've no idea how that can work. Maybe that's so in New Mexico as well, but not sure about that. The sites on the trip will either be booked nearer the end of May or maybe not booked at all. But the start and the end are securely booked. The RV nightly prices seem to convert between £10 to £15.
I wasn't going to tell anybody about it until I got back but I will tell you all about it even the horror stories if there are any. We'll be using RV sites and they all seem to have free WiFi so I might even tell you on the way.
For calls back to England and Australia I plan to use Skype and for calls in the US I expect to have a go-phone. For internet access, free WiFi on RV sites.
That's about it I think. But nothing happens now for nearly three months. In case anybody was wondering why we're still in England at this time of year – then now you know. We're waiting until the end of May.
You can google, CampertravelUSA, Passport America, Go-Phone. But, beware if you do. You might end up doing it.