Motorhome for a WHEELCHAIR user,WANTED.


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I have a friend who is thinking of getting a Motorhome again,but he has been wheelchair bound for 8 years,are there any about ? I told him there are,or if not can be converted somehow from an automatic accelerator and brake worked by hand.
Does anyone know of one for sale,or who will adapt,and what is needed for adaption,ie wheelchair access and recovery.
What sort of costs are expected,especially if limited to a budget of under say £10,000 for example,thats the vehicle included.
Please feel free to discuss or comment on this thread/post as it might be of use to someone else in the future.
my mrs is a wheelchair user - and our last mh was built for her by me. We are currently converting the massive thing in my avatar pic into a m/h from a bus.

If you are south west based - or your friend is - I could build / convert something for you.


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