I used them to sell my last van, I did use them once before but I pulled out after the van hadn't sold for the price I wanted. You can negotiate a bit with the deal you get I was only willing for them to try for a shorter time & agreed a price a bit less than the usual commission. Used the same guy both times, did a good job taking the pictures & the description. You agree what price you want then they their commission on top but you have to be realistic you aren't going to get the forecourt prices but in my case I got more than any of the dealers were offering as a px against a new van. Also be warned that they will possibly try to get you to accept any offer that is lower than what you expect. As for the handover they do all the necessary work & are able to offer finance & warranties. Importantly you don't handover the van until the cash is in the bank, took a couple of coffees waiting to see the money transferred to my account. IMHO think of them a bit like the estate agents of the motorhome world, their primary goal is to make money from the deal, they are not your friend they are a go between, they do advertise on places like ebay & autotrader as well as many other websites so they take a lot of hassle out of it. They do all the negotiating between you & the buyer/seller.