I live very close to the eastern end of the notorious "Cat & Fiddle" road between Buxton and Macclesfield, named as one of the most dangerous roads in Britain.
Of course the road is not dangerous at all, what makes it dangerous is those that drive over it at high speed without any regard for speed limits, overtaking restrictions or other road users.
The majority of offenders are motorcyclists, who tear across this road at high speed, overtaking cars whether it is safe to do so or not - on bends, double white lines and against oncoming traffic.
On several occasions, when I have had two Canadian canoes on the top of my car and been driving back from Macclesfield, I have met motorcyclists approaching me on sharp bends and on the wrong side of the road. You should see their reactions when the see 2 huge, green pointed things aiming straight at them!
It is motorcyclists that need to be educated, not car drivers!!!!
There's good and bad in both camps, recently I've been driving an invisible motorhome, cars and bikes have all pulled out in front of me, not seeing me by the looks on their faces!!
I think it should start earlier with the cycling proficiency test for ALL children to encourage the sensible use of two wheels, then insist that cyclists stay within the law ie use lights at night, the correct lanes, traffic lights etc.
Then when they go on to powered vehicles be it 2/4/more they will have experienced other road users.
All too often one camp blames another, but in reality there's a lot of both good and bad in all camps.
I'm saying this from th experience of being a keen cyclist, motor cyclist, car, van and motorhome user.
About 20 years a go one of my apprentices who used to enjoy touring on his BMW bike had just left home on his summer holidays. On a straight road where he was only doing about 50 with his lights on, a Motorhome pulled out in front of him from a side road, he woke up inside the MH with the wife screaming that HE'd spoiled her holiday!!
Luckily for him there was an off duty traffic PC following him to verify his speed and saw what happened.
He had a few bruises and a cut on his lip, his leathers were trashed and the MH & his BMW were right offs.
But I agree, the Cat & Fiddle Rd can be bloody dangerous having traveled over it for almost 60 years, I've seen quite a few accidents, the majority caused by over zealous drivers/riders.