
a mate works in a a garage and was on about this the other day. he says he can see alot of vehicles arund the 5 to 10 years old mark failing on air bags lights etc and other lights light shows up . the same with the cat on the exhust. This will be another thing that working class peple who are trying to make ends meet on low budets will get stung. While i understand the need for saftey i feel some of thease changes go way too far. i can see lots of non tech minded ppl taking vehicles in a being prayed upon with thigs like the door being sticky or a hinge loose and the garge making lads of money repairing such activities. Knock on effect thease ppl will either have to pay 100s of pounds or have to scrap cars and end up with no car or even worse drawn down the trap of haveing to be debt ridden to pirchase a newer car, to do basic things like getting to work taking kids to school etc This will apply to motorhomes and vans too of course. The sooner we get a system like the itv in spain where the garge is only aloowerd to fix or test but not both the better. then the garage doing the test has no conflict of intrest.
After only a quick scan of the items in that link, I can't really see anything new to worry about. Maybe a few minutes more work for the tester and a few more boxes for him to tick?

Remember that some of the electronic items mentioned will not be applicable to all vehicles anyway, especially older ones, as they won't have them fitted. New test items like fluid level checks and warning lamps are only common-sense items.

It's usually best to stick with a garage/tester who you have learned to trust, and avoid any that you fear may try to rip you off by failing items just so they can charge you for "repairing" them. Be wary of some (but not all) garages who offer "cut price" MOT's, as they will expect to make their profits from all those repairs that your vehicle will "need".

Generally garages and MOT testers are much more honest and reliable nowadays than the old rumours would have you believe. If in any doubt though, you can always try to find an independent test station, such as a local council testing centre. Usually these places don't carry out any repair work themselves, so you don't have to worry about them failing items simply to make money from the repair work.

And even if your mechanical knowledge is very limited, remember that it's always worth checking the more simple items like lights (now including trailer sockets), wiper blades, fluid levels and tyres etc., a few days before the MOT.
After only a quick scan of the items in that link, I can't really see anything new to worry about. Maybe a few minutes more work for the tester and a few more boxes for him to tick?

Remember that some of the electronic items mentioned will not be applicable to all vehicles anyway, especially older ones, as they won't have them fitted. New test items like fluid level checks and warning lamps are only common-sense items.

It's usually best to stick with a garage/tester who you have learned to trust, and avoid any that you fear may try to rip you off by failing items just so they can charge you for "repairing" them. Be wary of some (but not all) garages who offer "cut price" MOT's, as they will expect to make their profits from all those repairs that your vehicle will "need".

Generally garages and MOT testers are much more honest and reliable nowadays than the old rumours would have you believe. If in any doubt though, you can always try to find an independent test station, such as a local council testing centre. Usually these places don't carry out any repair work themselves, so you don't have to worry about them failing items simply to make money from the repair work.

And even if your mechanical knowledge is very limited, remember that it's always worth checking the more simple items like lights (now including trailer sockets), wiper blades, fluid levels and tyres etc., a few days before the MOT.

while i agree with he above if ur a busy single parent living on the bread line its not that simple just to check levells lights etc. if you check you level on you fluid but and top it up and its say a electric ecu fault your at the mercy of a garage alot of the things on this new mot check are electric items that are more complicated than a low oil light sender. if a car is worth say 1000 pound which a lot are if you are on a low income and they have just one or two of thease issuies the car can be unecionmicaly to fix. electrical gremains are a garages best friend as they can take hrs to find a fix. added to the growing problem of those small indepent garges we grew up with are now a rare site threw issuies of cars being very bespoke and only main delaers can plug thier computer sustem in etc. while everyone understands the inportance of saftey. saftey is about spending money . Its about balance if its harder for decent ppl to keep thier heads above water to make ends meet i.e get a job a couple of kids parents sharing a car etc and we tip that balance ppl will just see ppl around them ding nothing sitting around for no good reason will think swhy dont we just have the state look after us why bother trying to do the right thing. Thease mot things are more about money that saftey if they were about saftey why wernt they introduced 20 years agao. whats happended is because cars are more reliable and dont fall to bits thre rust etc they have found the next thing on the list. i.e seats they want the seat to be able to move forward and back and fix saftey in 3 places period. so any one who has modifierd a seat to use as a swivel seat might have difficult even tho its safe n the psition you use it. You buy a cheap car it has a tow bar you dont use it as you dont tow. why should you be failed on an item you dont use. and before you say take it off or get someone to take it off, the reality is alot of pppl carnt do thease jobs or know ppl in the community to help them like we could years ago. if you decide to use the tow barit then yes but before def not. In my experiance the problem is with cars less than 3 years old i.e dnt need an mot alot of my friend , work collegaues have them and half the ligths dont work the tyres are bold the things smokes like hell but no mot required for 3 years. Are we saying that seat belts airbags, flud levels other things dont go wrong for 3 years.

Another stealth tax on the poor/ low income
As far as I know, most, if not all, of these new test criteria are only the result of having to comply with European standards. When I took my car for an MOT last month, even the tester thought that most of the new items on future MOT's were just common-sense things that the average driver should routinely check anyway.

My point about checking simple things yourself before going for the MOT was just to save you from kicking yourself if it failed on something silly, like a blown bulb or a ragged wiper blade. It's cheaper for you to find and fix simple faults than have the tester fail it, then fix them for you.

I really can't see many vehicles failing on faulty tow-bars, unless they're seriously loose, cracked or bent, but it's another item for the tester to tick that he's checked it. Even if you don't use the tow-bar yourself, the tester has to check it. The tester will also have to assume that other people may drive the vehicle, so if they adjust the seat forwards or back it has to be secure in each position. (From my own experience, it's no fun, and definitely dangerous if the drivers seat should slide forward or back while you're driving!)

By the way, my poor old Landrover is 46 years old this year....... and it has never even heard of adjustable seats, never mind Electronic Stability Control or ECU's etc.!!
just a quick note on the tow bar item for mot, most of us have a 7 pin connector and the only thing to check is to see if it is not damaged, remember this has a live feed to it when you have your lights on or brake or indicate, if it is is damaged it could short out and you will have more problems that could cause a fire, so its for your own safety, the 13 pin socket has to function properly and will be connected to a test panel to check it works, this will not be done yet with a 7 pin one, so for most of us it wont be a problem, as far as the tow bar itself again most will be fine, but some people just bolt or weld some steel together and fit it on the vehicle some people can weld and some "think" they can weld

the new rules are on vosa web site with all you need for a mot, dont take any notice of "my mate at the pub" its all in black and white, just take your time reading it
again i agree with most of the last two posts but your kinda missing my bigger point about risk. risk is relative. whats more risky the state threw vosa making sure a tow bar elelctric is up to scratch, a tow bat you dont use or the the obvious lack of regulation over the last 20 yeras in relation to financial matters. The banking crsis leaving ppl homeless broken familes small busines going under etc, ppl taking thier own lives threw not being able to cope etc. are not they risks no one seem to regulate them properly makeing massive errors yet if your tow bar doesnt work ooo that seriuos how dangerous.

I too have a landrover a 1989 so alot of things wont effect me either, but its not about how things effect me it's about how they effect us as a society. I think alot of us brits through no fault of our own have been brought up in a culture of it's about me , im ok jack and not we, us, we allow the state to divide and rule i.e lets put one group of society against another. all its done is make us insecure about the ppl around us when the problem is with the state.

I have been on this site for a good few weeks and the ppl on here have been wondeful helping one another out giving advice create a community of intrest and its very inspiring , whoever admin the site is doing a great job. We can all see the thinink behind the posts the govermant/local councils seem more than happy to treat this kind of hobby as some sort of cult by making it difficult for good decent ppl to to do the very basic things like get some clean water or empty a cassete toilet. so the state instead of being brave and support us threw facilities they divide and rule setting a group upon another till we end up with a kind of class system in ppl who wish to wild camp. posts about how its not done to dispose of grey waste this way or the other yet the problem is not with us we are all right the problem is the local council not giving us decent ppl proviosn councils puting up height barriers and say that we have too because of other sections of the community camp here so you wull suffer to. yet the culprits break the rules and get away scot free anyway. The divide and rule tatic of using class or money to make the divide speed up. i.e if you wild camp and dont use a site some ppl look down on you or if you dont have a 40 ft motorhome ppl look down on you,

I work in the area of community sport development and i find it difficult to understand while it right for it to be abuse to see a child miss treated its not abuse to see a child be 15 stone as a 8 year old like i saw last week working in a school . this child could not even complete a basic 5 min warm up and its not uncommon and a growing problem, that child life chances are far less than most other abuse cases yet nothing is done its normal apparnetly we do seem to have a starnge concept of risk in the uk.
My apologies Landyrubbertramp, I was only thinking of the MOT test. Yes, you're right about there being a lot of faults in the financial world and with society, local councils etc.

As for the one example of the towbar check though (not the trailer socket electrics), the MOT tester can't just ignore it because you don't use it. For one thing, he doesn't know that you won't sell the vehicle the next day, or next month, and the next owner will want to tow a trailer or caravan etc. And it's not unknown for a badly fitted towbar to fall off in the road.
My apologies Landyrubbertramp, I was only thinking of the MOT test. Yes, you're right about there being a lot of faults in the financial world and with society, local councils etc.

As for the one example of the towbar check though (not the trailer socket electrics), the MOT tester can't just ignore it because you don't use it. For one thing, he doesn't know that you won't sell the vehicle the next day, or next month, and the next owner will want to tow a trailer or caravan etc. And it's not unknown for a badly fitted towbar to fall off in the road.

good point scampa

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