more cost


New window screen being fitted:( Had a stone or something on the A25
when got back from France.

Possably can be repaired so they said:rolleyes::rolleyes: but no:mad: you need a new one
suprise, surprise :eek: £100 excess to pay:eek: what a bummer.
New window screen being fitted:( Had a stone or something on the A25
when got back from France.

Possably can be repaired so they said:rolleyes::rolleyes: but no:mad: you need a new one
suprise, surprise :eek: £100 excess to pay:eek: what a bummer.

on of my close neighbours picked up his new ford mondeo last week, two days later he had to have a new screen fitted as a stone had hit it :eek: he was not amused at all. luckily my old beddys screen is not bonded so if mine goes i can refit it myself i have a spare one just in case

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