Montenegro, Serbia, Albania, Turkey - insurance


Full Member
Planning a trip later this year that will take us to;
as well as the usual European countries covered by vehicle insurance.

My question is should I add the four countries to my insurance policy or buy insurance at the border when entering these countries?

As I understand it, from AIB, adding these countries to my policy will give me comprehensive cover. Buying at the border will only give the minimum third party cover that is mandatory in these countries.

Advice from anyone with recent experience much appreciated, thank you.
Take your own gun.
No no no! Should be OK, we have all there criminal's over here.

Look up gadget John and mandys @ YT they done East for the 90 days
Planning a trip later this year that will take us to;
as well as the usual European countries covered by vehicle insurance.

My question is should I add the four countries to my insurance policy or buy insurance at the border when entering these countries?

As I understand it, from AIB, adding these countries to my policy will give me comprehensive cover. Buying at the border will only give the minimum third party cover that is mandatory in these countries.

Advice from anyone with recent experience much appreciated, thank you.
We found that Serbia and Montenegro were covered on our insurance but needed additional green card for Albainia we got the green card through our insurance in advance the downside was you have to specify the dates you will be in the county, we paid £159.00 extra for 3 months cover so we had a bit of flexability I believe its around £60/65 for 2 weeks at the border for a 7m van.
We found that Serbia and Montenegro were covered on our insurance but needed additional green card for Albainia we got the green card through our insurance in advance the downside was you have to specify the dates you will be in the county, we paid £159.00 extra for 3 months cover so we had a bit of flexability I believe its around £60/65 for 2 weeks at the border for a 7m van.
Thanks for the reply, apologies for the delay in responding - we have been on the road.

Which insurer / broker did you use.

Just tried Adrian Flux who can't cover; Albania, Montenegro or Turkey. Waiting for a call-back from AIB.
Thanks for the reply, apologies for the delay in responding - we have been on the road.

Which insurer / broker did you use.

Just tried Adrian Flux who can't cover; Albania, Montenegro or Turkey. Waiting for a call-back from AIB.
Ironic really, if you believe C5 and the motorway cops programmes every driver they catch is Albanian and has no insurance :LOL:
Thanks for the reply, apologies for the delay in responding - we have been on the road.

Which insurer / broker did you use.

Just tried Adrian Flux who can't cover; Albania, Montenegro or Turkey. Waiting for a call-back from AIB.
Hi we're on the road as well so you may now be sorted we ended up with LV
Been to all no problems with own insurance although had to shop around (or rather the broker) did for Albania. Be careful of going too near the Serbia area of Kosovo though. Was turned back at the Bosian border because by "green card" was printed on white paper. They wanted me to buy their border insurance!!!!
Been to all no problems with own insurance although had to shop around (or rather the broker) did for Albania. Be careful of going too near the Serbia area of Kosovo though. Was turned back at the Bosian border because by "green card" was printed on white paper. They wanted me to buy their border insurance!!!!
Did you get into Bosnia it's included in our insurance so not got a green card justy insurance cert
Been to all no problems with own insurance although had to shop around (or rather the broker) did for Albania.
Which insurance company did you have? How long ago was it?

Looking online I have the impression that getting cover outside the usual European countries is much more difficult than it used to be.
Did you get into Bosnia it's included in our insurance so not got a green card justy insurance cert
Yes and no. I was returning from a winter in Greece back in the time when you weren't limited to 90days and could take trips slow and liesurely.

Plan was up the Adriatic Highway with planned diversions off, a couple in Albania and Mostar in Bosnia.

The Highway goes through a bit of Bosnia that you are barely aware of apart from signage, in I think Montenegro or Croatia. There are no border posts or customs. Although you do need insurance in case of accident.

However a bit further north when I turned East to drive toward Mostar. I came to the expected border post to Bosnia proper.

It was there that I was refused entry unless I bought their insurance. I had changed my insurance through my broker in Greece specifically for these countries and printed off certs and green card in an Internet cafe (remember those?).

But as I said the officious woman border guard refused my green card because it was the wrong colour!!! Bloody scam I thought.

It was the end of a bad day and I told her to stuff it I'm afraid rather than pay the 30 euro. Had to a 6 point U turn in the narrow border post (8mtr van).

The Croatian side were surprised to see me and to add insult to injury insisted on doing a 3/4 hrs search!

Never seen Mostar to this day.
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Which insurance company did you have? How long ago was it?

Looking online I have the impression that getting cover outside the usual European countries is much more difficult than it used to be.
8-9 yrs ago. Can't remember the underwriters I'm afraid, the broker found it for me.
We're there now. 24/05/2024.
Caravan Guard extended our fully comprehensive cover for all but Bosnia and Kosovo. I can't remember how much it cost, but it wasn't much.
Email to a local company in Bosnia called ERONET got cover there, with documents picked up in their Banja Luka office soon after crossing the border. They have offices in many towns.
For Kosovo we had to buy third party at the border.
Sorry, the old failing memory has struck again.
ERONET was the mobile phone company selling Bosnian SIM cards.
The insurance company was called Euroherc.
We crossed into Serbia today and got turned away at the first border crossing it was not for UK passport holders, we had to take a 10km diversion and cross at the one one the motorway, no issues at that one stamped our passports never asked about insurance just waved us through.

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