Missing Gene??


Full Member
I think I was born with a missing Gene, The one that makes people go bonkers over SPORT and OLYMPICS, I could never see the point of kicking a ball, hitting a ball with a stick, bat or racquet and then having to run after it only to do the same thing again, I don't care who can drive the fastest race car, run the fastest ,jump the highest or lift the heaviest lumps of metal, I have no interest in watching two fools in a boxing ring battering each other or people in a ring throwing each other all over the place Etc, in short I hate Sports, any one else have the same affliction, don't tell me these people earn vast sums of money, I don't care, it's not any of mine ,I have never bought a ticket for any sport , I don't have Sky television so no sport there or contributions towards it..If you enjoy Sport good luck to you, I will try and avoid all the hype next year somewhere remote in France or somewhere quiet, with no Telly.:D:D:D
I hate most sport too, but then thats mostly cos I'm pants at it.:wacko::dance:
I think I was born with a missing Gene, The one that makes people go bonkers over SPORT and OLYMPICS, I could never see the point of kicking a ball, hitting a ball with a stick, bat or racquet and then having to run after it only to do the same thing again, I don't care who can drive the fastest race car, run the fastest ,jump the highest or lift the heaviest lumps of metal, I have no interest in watching two fools in a boxing ring battering each other or people in a ring throwing each other all over the place Etc, in short I hate Sports, any one else have the same affliction, don't tell me these people earn vast sums of money, I don't care, it's not any of mine ,I have never bought a ticket for any sport , I don't have Sky television so no sport there or contributions towards it..If you enjoy Sport good luck to you, I will try and avoid all the hype next year somewhere remote in France or somewhere quiet, with no Telly.:D:D:D

BL**DY H**L :scared: if i dident know i hadent Wrote that ide think ide Wrote that ,are we related or have we just got the same missing GENE. if you find somewhere quiet in france give us a shout and we will follow:lol-061:
BL**DY H**L :scared: if i dident know i hadent Wrote that ide think ide Wrote that ,are we related or have we just got the same missing GENE. if you find somewhere quiet in france give us a shout and we will follow:lol-061:
My Dad did have a Bke LOL:hammer:LOL:dance:
I've got excactly the same missing gene, as I hate all sports, and football I could smash the tv when that comes on.

It really riles me up when they call footballers Hero's, put them on the front line then we would see who the real hero's are.

And don't it just piss you off that although you don't have a Sky subscription for all the sports crap they still force feed us with all the free sports channels:mad2:

My Dad did have a Bke LOL:hammer:LOL:dance:

:ditto: did he get as far as yorkshire because you have described me as well "our kid"

can you remember casper in "kes"? that was me at school
Although I do have Sky, I don't subscribe to the Sports channels. I also have no interest in competitive sports of any description. It could be a gene as my father and bother were both sports mad.

Why o why do they put sport on other channels delaying or even replacing programs when they have ones dedicated to it on air at the same time.

What I hate more than Football is Football commentaries, you hear the broadcaster screaming like a demented Banshie, another pet hate while I am at it is DUM DUM DUMDUM DUM DUM the opening tune to Eastenders , I know it is time to grab the remote and turn OFF.Do people really live like that screaming and shouting at each other all the time, I did watch part of an episode once to see what I was not missing, We aught to have a Pet Hate Forum Theme ?? :have fun::have fun:
My Dad did have a Bke LOL:hammer:LOL:dance:

Your dad certainly did some miles on that bike!! I seem to have the missing gene as well, and am definitely up for getting away from the Olympics next summer!! (Could we have a gather somewhere?? Except the venue would probably have to be the size of the Olympic Stadium!!)

Good luck to those who enjoy that kind of thing, but I wish programme planners would remember that is NOT all of us!! Am I losing my marbles or was there a time when Emmerdale had a bit of mirth in it?? Goodness knows, life is hard enough without having to watch other people going downhill and suffering as well.

WHat HAVE you started, Vindiboy??

KP x x
I have the advantage of not watching television. Get out of the habit and you don't miss it after a couple of weeks.

Ditch your licences and your sets; they are not needed with the internet now so wide reaching. You can make your own entertainment on the net, decide where you want go, and even catch up with the odd TV prog if you chose to, on iplayer, or You Tube. Then you will have no problem with avoiding the wall to wall sport :tongue:
And there was me thinking it was only me in this mad mad world hating anything to do with sports, its a whole heap of POO IMO,
when i go out and some ramdom bloke says "Ooooo did you see the match the other night Wow what a team hey" i say "NO I HATE SPORTS" then they look at me as if im a fruit loop,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

You know what i like????????? My family my boat my Hymer my life all else seems well just plain Crappy,,

Sports who need that load of rubbish hey!!!!!

I have the advantage of not watching television. Get out of the habit and you don't miss it after a couple of weeks.

Ditch your licences and your sets; they are not needed with the internet now so wide reaching. You can make your own entertainment on the net, decide where you want go, and even catch up with the odd TV prog if you chose to, on iplayer, or You Tube. Then you will have no problem with avoiding the wall to wall sport :tongue:

I haven't had a telly for about 8 years now. The only time I ever see it is when I pop in to see my mum a couple of times a week. She finds it good company, and she likes the soaps. What I see when I'm there, though, is enough to convince me that I'm not missing anything. As with most other things in life, more has become less with television programmes. Most of the soaps seem indistinguishable from one another now, and are all painted in varying shades of Eastenders. My evenings are spent reading books or watching DVDs. I subscribe to a film streaming website, so there's always plenty of choice.

I can't stand sport, either. Never saw the point of football or cricket. Snooker is about the only thing I'll watch, because of the skill levels involved and because every game is entirely different. I think it comes from being forced to do games at school and always being hopeless at them. When I was at school - and I'm sure it's the same now - sporting prowess was the main factor in determining if you were 'in' or 'out'. I've been 'out' ever since! :ninja:
I have a telly in my van ,no Sat Dish though, we only use the Telly to watch a DVD if we are in the mood whilst away,especially if it is a wet day, We don't buy News Papers either, I just don't want to know what is going on in the World, especially whilst on tour, who cares what Footballers wife has run off with the Milkman, or who has been kicked off of Big Brother or Come Dancing, I find that someone always tells you the bad news anyway.:dance:
I can see the advantage of TV if you are housebound and too ill to do your own thing. My mum used to cling to it avidly. But otherwise giving TV up is much easier than giving up other drugs. No physical withdrawal symptoms at any rate!

I actually quite like sport and listen to Five Live which contains a lot of sport. I have also played a lot of sport and still play which helps.

I'm not interested in most of the Olympics though. It is a completely hyped up money generation exercise. I guess I will catch up on the volleyball and beach volleyball though (neither of which GB has a chance in, but I don't care, I just watch it for the skills and entertainment). The really completely stupid parts of the Olympics are the football, the golf, and the tennis. It just brings home what a charade most of it has become. Even though I'd watch those sports at other times, the Olympic versions are completely silly as the Olympic events for those don't represent in any way the pinnacle of their respective sports.
There was I.
Ready to hear a saga of how someone stole your generator.

I hate football, cricket
Rugby I can just about stomach.

The skiing season starts soon
I just love that.

Didn't really answer any of your questions.
but if you do lose your generator
I hope it turns up. :dance:

Most sport I can do without and doesn't affect me ...... except one! Blasted football. Oh how I hate football. You see I can ignore all other sports but when it comes to football you just can't can you? Go on try it? Just listen to normal radio or telly... let's say the news.. Bogoff's striker has just signed for Stoke manderville united.. The England captain has been seen with another woman... AFTER these amazing news stories comes the boring bit 300 people die in a gas explosion or Britain declares war on Scotland.... you know what I mean.. Oh here comes the weather woman..."It's going to be a nice day today we are expecting 25 degrees at Wembley for the kick off at 3 o'clock" and so on. Or what about the big build up to an international movie star interview. "Hello Michael and what was it like growing up in Manchester, did you support the team when you were a small child" Or "The sheduled (very interesting) programme will be altered now and ###### will be shown next week due to the football going into extra time" Or even when you nip into the pub, there it is, on a 20foot x 10 foot telly screen, or when you walk down the street and a thousand sandwhich boards outside every pub announce that they are showing Dubrovnic vs Anschloss on sky bigscreen tonight.
Now wouldn't it be good if we were good at football? but we are not! the last time of proving we were any good was back in 1966 for christ's sake. NO, we are bloody useless, in fact so bad are we that even after employing every foreign player that is supposedly brilliant we still are bloody useless. We are still continually bombarded by comments from all directions that everybody will be hoping that 'knobless united' can pull it off today at testacle stadium etc: and finally the results show and SPORT report shows, by sport I mean ALL sport... you know, the ones that last half an hour but go on for 40 minutes making you wait for the programme afterward or putting the entire shedule out by ten minutes all evening and buggering up your recording of your favourite programme by shutting off ten minutes before the end; and as for sport show... they mean 35 mins of football and a rushed 5 mins on all other sports which some of them we ARE good at. Match of the day, match of the year, goal of the day, goal of the year, goal of the century, player of the match, player of the season, player of the year, player of the cccccccccccccccccccccccc. Oh when will it end!!! I despair.
Hello brothers and cousins
Perhaps a scientific study should be done of us or are we the normal ones?
WHATS FOOTBALL ? and what sort of COURT do they plat it on o:rolleyes2:

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