Milenco mud


Hi, anyone got any views on which of the Milenco grip mats are better for getting out of mud? Looking at the Heavy Duty grip mats and the Giant Lattice grip mat which is bigger and more open than the heavy duty ones. I’m thinking the smaller ones will be easier to store but the bigger ones might be easier to get the wheels onto. If anyone’s tried any I’d be grateful to hear your views!
could you not get another brand? In my experience Milenco products are just about fit for the recycle bin!
(although I have no personal experience of their mud mats)
I was warned that the flat grip mats just spin out when you try and use them in mud. We bought grip tracks. They are expensive and when we used them we had to dig underneath the tyre to place the first ring, but they work.
As above. When required they were absolute rubbish. Wheels covered in mud and they provided no grip whatsoever. If your wheels were nice and sparkly clean and the ground was nice and firm they may work but then you wouldn’t need them. IMHO waste of money. Mine went in the bin.

I have a pair of waffle boards which work very well. Stiff with a rough surface for grip. I can also use them as ramps with a couple of blocks of wood.
I don't know about the grip mats but my experience of Milenco products has been universally bad!

I have owned three sets of Milenco levelling ramps and they have all broken for no good reason.

Worse still a few years back I bought a set of levelling jacks from them after seeing an advert of theirs which said you could level your van effortlessly in a few seconds with this product. When I found out it took about 20 minutes of strenuous activity to level the van I complained to Milenco and asked for my money back. They refused me a refund so I complained to the Advertising Standards Authority who after some deliberation agreed to order Milenco to rewrite their advertisement. Milenco then refunded me what I had paid for the levelling jacks!

I don't think that I will be buying any more of their products!
Thanks everyone! We didn’t need to use them in the end so we'll have another think 🤔
As above. When required they were absolute rubbish. Wheels covered in mud and they provided no grip whatsoever. If your wheels were nice and sparkly clean and the ground was nice and firm they may work but then you wouldn’t need them. IMHO waste of money. Mine went in the bin.

I have a pair of waffle boards which work very well. Stiff with a rough surface for grip. I can also use them as ramps with a couple of blocks of wood.

Thanks - What are waffle boards??
Just go to eBay and put in waffle board. They are about 1200 x 300 and made of fibreglass. Very tough and can be cut down if need be. I use them with a couple of wooden blocks for ramps. Being longer and wider they are easy to drive up. It’s also easy to vary the height.
I went to my local bakers and asked if they had any bread baskets with broken sides they were throwing out. I was given two, I cut the sides off with a saw and split them down the middle of the long axis. I now have foun lightweight traction mats which I have used to get me out of a muddy hole of a campsite, I also used them to recover a neighbour's car after he bogged it down.

Ultra lightweight, low cost recycling!
Post #7. Bread crates. Some stronger than others, double them
up if necessary. But some people prefer to buy something at a
caravan accessory shop.
Thanks everyone and sorry for delays in replying... I suspect my notifications aren’t working like they should!!
wellafter digging van out of sand i would say five short length of scaffolding plang and shovel failing that a wench as they full of hat air and you should float out sorry meant witch no that is wrong i meant winch
Ha ha hippy that made me chuckle, did you mean use a wench (like Charlie does :) ) or a winch?

That could be me fave typo to date 👍

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