Meet our Viv


Compact and bijou ;)
We have always camped ,tried out shed dragging for a while and didnt like it :( Hubby wanted to get a Motorhome but we like to be on the move ,so a camper was called for :)
Still love tent camping though
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My apologies admin ,would you mind cleaning up my mess please ?
I tried several times to post on here this morning and it wouldnt work so tried again just now and now all of the threads have appeared :( Sorry...
Nice van. I too love tent camping or even hammock camping as well as using the van.
Classy Van! Our camping days seem to have been superceded now we have the van...our backs and bodies appreciate more comfort as we have "matured":drive:
Still have all the equipment tho!
Thanks :)
It was a real 'step down' in the luxury dept as our caravan had a huge end bathroom and walk in shower and now we have a bed on wheels with a fridge and tea making facility lol
But we have a lot more freedom and not restricted to sites and planning and it just feels more adventurous ,which is also the appeal of camping :)
Never say never ,one is never too mature to tent ;)
Hi Skatts,

We thought we had given up the tent until our van broke down in France. Three week wait to get it back so out has come the tent again and we have just a nice couple of day in Derbyshire.:)

It just takes you right back to being five again with a clothes horse and a blanket draped over it , in the back garden doesnt it ?.:D
( well thats how it gets me anyway lol)
Classy Van! Our camping days seem to have been superceded now we have the van...our backs and bodies appreciate more comfort as we have "matured":drive:
Still have all the equipment tho!

Just read that again....I meant camping equipment!:rolleyes:
Very nice :) I fancy getting a Vivaro with pop top for a daily driver. Great for when me and the dogs go off for a quick fly up the hills.
Yup ,its hubbies travelling to work car also ,plus he has the luxury of having a kip if hes too tired to drive home lol( hes a truck driver)
Costs less to run than his old 4x4
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Compact and bijou ;)
We have always camped ,tried out shed dragging for a while and didnt like it :( Hubby wanted to get a Motorhome but we like to be on the move ,so a camper was called for :)
Still love tent camping though

That's a beautiful camper. We used to tug a large German shed much favoured by the traveller community but it morphed into our current van which we hope will finally transform into the RV of our dreams. Well! Any suitable RV will do really :fun:
Thanks ,yup and it fits in a normal car parking spot at the supermarket too lol

It did feel reaaallly small to start with (,especially after being used to a large modern caravan ).but now we love it ,it feel just like a really cool den lol

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