me having bad day just ignore i will go away lol

oldish hippy

Full Member
whats xmas just another long day in the year here sleep for about 4 hours on ave awake for 20hrs in pain about 6hrs on average a day spend 22 hours a day on my own that is averaging it out over a week but not going to complain just get on with it so xmas day will be up at 4/30ish usual time sit here moan on forums that no one about lol slice of toast and med for breakfast and plent of coffee percalated xmas treat then wait til about midnight then bed just ignore this post me just having a not so good day and not feeling tired so looks like bed wil be about 3 oclock ben to bed once tried to sleep couldnt so got up what the point in laying there trying to gues the time to see if ihave nodded off it now 2.03 try for third time might do do a arnie and i will be back thanks rt just the end of another long week and well ****** well it cant be long week they all the same length well some just seem to drag on
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Hey, don't apologise man! This is a community too. A lot of us spend a lot of time on our own so it's an ideal place to share our moans and groans and laughs and joys. You go ahead and have a good grump....I for one am listening..... Mention christmas though and I'll bloody well join ya!
Have you thought about voluntary work...thats what i do. Some can be done from home just as you are doing now.

I dont know your illness but theres probably a forum on the web and you can speak to other sufferers.

At one point i was involved with 10 various voluntary groups..ive cut it down to 5 this year as I dont seem to have enough time on my hands anymore...

It gave my self esteem a huge boost and its a nice feeling to know that people care about you too.
Oldish Hippy, I'm sorry you're feeling like this, and wish there was something I could do to make it better for you. (Provided my husband was OK with it!!!) THis is such a depressing time of year, especially if you're not into Christmas; it seems to be compulsory to be merry, and you're dubbed an old misery if you're not. At least the solstice is not too far away, then the days will be getting longer again!

Moan away as much as you like cos I'm well used to it with Derek around - we'll all listen, but don't mention the C word too much!!

KP x x x x x x x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!! (And not a bit of mistletoe in sight!!):heart::heart::heart::wave:
me having a bad day just ignore i will go away lol

In the 70s I was alone for 8 years after my partner died, the first christmas was heartbreaking, I vowed not to spend another one alone, I joined a divorced and seperated club and on christmas day I used to hold a party for people like myself, I put on the food and people bought their own drink, I got the T.V. out of the room and the carpet ready for dancing, I had some wonderful parties :D and so many people shook my hand on leaving saying thank you so much, if it wasn't for you doing this I would have had a very lonely christmas, I met my new husband like this, I am out of touch now but do they still have clubs for single people? if not are there friends in the same position that you could invite round? you don't have to put on much maybe a few sausage rolls and mince pies, but if you are feeling low paste a smile on your face and try to make the conversation light, Happy Christmas bambi 2
Hello Oldish Hippy
I hope that you have had some less bad days since your post. At least you know now you can talk about it and other people will understand and care.
I'm concerned that you are not able to sleep so much because of pain. Have you discussed this with your doctor? You don't say where you live but most large hospitals have a Pain Clinic where you should be able to get more help in managing your pain. Don't feel you have to suffer, if your doctor won't help then try another one. There are other things you can do besides pain killers. For example have you tried a new bed? Hope you find some good solutions.
All the best, Teffy
Hey, don't apologise man! This is a community too. A lot of us spend a lot of time on our own so it's an ideal place to share our moans and groans and laughs and joys. You go ahead and have a good grump....I for one am listening..... Mention christmas though and I'll bloody well join ya!

I'm with both of you. I got me a nice fillet steak for christmas day and a couple bottles of red and I shall be happy in my Bongo. don't know yet where, depends on weather. morthen likely bawdsey enjoy
hay {lol} donkey if known you where in worle i might have popped along to see you five mins away
Hello Oldish Hippy
I hope that you have had some less bad days since your post. At least you know now you can talk about it and other people will understand and care.
I'm concerned that you are not able to sleep so much because of pain. Have you discussed this with your doctor? You don't say where you live but most large hospitals have a Pain Clinic where you should be able to get more help in managing your pain. Don't feel you have to suffer, if your doctor won't help then try another one. There are other things you can do besides pain killers. For example have you tried a new bed? Hope you find some good solutions.
All the best, Teffy
got a brill doc
just been bought new mattress few weeks ago have pain patches they work butnumb it down but still not good somedays just having a bad patch has been discussed with doc but wait til igo to frenchay to get it sorted hopefully
Hippy you definitely aren't the only one. I've suffered from depression for 2 years, and this is the worst time of year. Especially when all your friends are married or have kids.
Maybe we can arrange a xmas day meet with a secret santa!!! It is on a weekend this year after all!!!!
(Although not sure my van will be ready in 4 days!)
got a brill doc
just been bought new mattress few weeks ago have pain patches they work butnumb it down but still not good somedays just having a bad patch has been discussed with doc but wait til igo to frenchay to get it sorted hopefully

So glad to hear you have a good relationship with your doctor and that you are making some positive moves. If you can improve the pain situation you might feel a bit better about life. I'm fortunate not to have too many bad days but when I do, sometimes I get very depressed and sometimes I get really bad-tempered!! :mad2:
Can you get out for walks? I find even a little walk outside can be very helpful in making me feel better.
So you're in the Bristol area? My youngest son lives in Bristol but he's just come up to stay for Christmas. I do hope your Christmas turns out better than you feared. I will be thinking of you.:goodluck:
GREAT IDEA ABOUT A XMAS DAY MEEET :cheers:( found the caps key:raofl:)
Bit late for this year I am the town Santa every year here in Brandon but plan on giving it up after this year. My last performance, for want of a better word, will be Christmas Eve at Tesco. but I am up for it next god willing. I have a large house that could be used. and even if my planned full timing in a van come to fruition before then would be willing to meet up somewhere and play Santa again.
Dont know what I am doing Xmas day this year realy. It is either Bawdsey beach or The Stones.
I have loads of invited from family and friends but dont particularly like that kind of Xmas do. I have a good invite to Merthyr tydfil which would be OK but a long drive for me after a hard day work. especially as to drive that far I should have to leave the tabs off for 24 hours. I also have an invite in Worle. but htey are church ministers and that is a struggle for me to cope with. specially as they are both women and gay. I always look at them and think "What a waste":shag:
They did get me a good pressy this year though. But even then, I think they misunderstood me when they asked what I wanted for Xmas. I said . "I wana a watch". and they bought my a Rolex.:lol-049::lol-053:
GREAT IDEA ABOUT A XMAS DAY MEEET :cheers:( found the caps key:raofl:)
Bit late for this year I am the town Santa every year here in Brandon but plan on giving it up after this year. My last performance, for want of a better word, will be Christmas Eve at Tesco. but I am up for it next god willing. I have a large house that could be used. and even if my planned full timing in a van come to fruition before then would be willing to meet up somewhere and play Santa again.
Dont know what I am doing Xmas day this year realy. It is either Bawdsey beach or The Stones.
I have loads of invited from family and friends but dont particularly like that kind of Xmas do. I have a good invite to Merthyr tydfil which would be OK but a long drive for me after a hard day work. especially as to drive that far I should have to leave the tabs off for 24 hours. I also have an invite in Worle. but htey are church ministers and that is a struggle for me to cope with. specially as they are both women and gay. I always look at them and think "What a waste":shag:
They did get me a good pressy this year though. But even then, I think they misunderstood me when they asked what I wanted for Xmas. I said . "I wana a watch". and they bought my a Rolex.:lol-049::lol-053:

just a note of thanks just needed to have a whinge there are peep far worse off than me no doing for sympathy vote but tried whinge at my self it dont work so thanks all for the supprt

hey donkey head of the valley road good fun in winter on a bike been there done that and fell off lol worle is only up road from me can be there in five mins i by tesco in town
Tesco in town where they have card only petrol pumps at night. and they don't work. at least they didn't the other night at 2 in the morning. just had enough to chug up nthe road to the one befor ethe M5. LOL But at least I got gas as well there. 70p a litre.
There are some great wilding spots along the heads of the valleys and also in the valeys. but they are being spoilt by welsh yobos partying at week ends and leaving their rubbish behind.
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can see gargae from here well see the canopy it only minute away asda has pay at pump so does morrisons over railway bridge over roundabout turn after ford dealer by next on way out turn by poundstretchers asda fuel just along there for future freference not out of the way just cut of corner by roundabout by macs ddint know tesco did gas not only just had thought sainsbury at worle dont they have pay at pump
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when i'm feeling low i watch failblog on youtube,lots of young people doing stupid things and hurting themselves,always cheers me up
tried that but just dont have sense of humour at moment that got and gone like everything ************ ELSE but i still here majking nonsensecical post and wading throough it just like swimming in treacle and that dont help i cant swim that well

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