May Release - POI Downloads ...


The latest release is now available - over 4,300 wild camping spots and pub stopovers throughout England, Wales and Scotland :)

That's another 120 places added!

By request, the pub stopovers are now separated from the wild camping spots. This makes it easier to choose which you'd prefer to use for your overnight parking.

Click here to download. Please note that there are now Wild Camp and Pub Stop files for you to use.

Please note that the release is a complete replacement for any earlier release that you may have downloaded.

The POI Downloads are only available to Full Members - for information on how to become a Full Member just click here
Hi Chris,
Just a note that on the google earth both the wild camp.kml and pub stop.kml are the same - or have I done something wrong.....
There are 212 new locations in this release and 92 locations have been removed!
It is important to update so you do not turn up to one of the 92 removed locations.
Great job Chris

Great job, but has anybody got any idea how to get them to work on Autoroute 2011?




Just click on the axe file and then OK the warning message and you have a map with all the poi's Ensure you save the resulting file and it will load quicker the next time (Also read the associated pdf's and the online forum section devoted to Autoroute.
Great job Chris

Just click on the axe file and then OK the warning message and you have a map with all the poi's Ensure you save the resulting file and it will load quicker the next time (Also read the associated pdf's and the online forum section devoted to Autoroute.

Tried that but when the "new" version opens all the POi are of the same place, the pub ones convert and work well.
The last POi file was the same, just wont convert right. Ihave sent a mesage to canal man but did not get a reply.

New files work great in my Garmin Sar Nav.

Hi Chris,
Just a note that on the google earth both the wild camp.kml and pub stop.kml are the same - or have I done something wrong.....

Just checked the files - they are different ...
Great job, but has anybody got any idea how to get them to work on Autoroute 2011?




Please read the User Guide - the files are for use with Autoroute 2010 only ...

There are instructions in the Autoroute folder that explain how to use the supplied CSV files with other versions of Autoroute :)
Well done Chris!

Now let's see how they look on your new fangled tomtom 910 with Truck maps, eh?

I downloaded it this morning and posted the above problem. I've been to work and downloaded it again and still got the same:
The Wild Camp.kml has wild camping locations only - it has no pubs.
The Pub Stop.kml is like all the old POI's where it is a mix of pubs and LR LU CR CU etc.

Should this be just pubs or a mix of pubs a wc locations because Chris said "By request, the pub stopovers are now separated from the wild camping spots".

Confused !

I downloaded it this morning and posted the above problem. I've been to work and downloaded it again and still got the same:
The Wild Camp.kml has wild camping locations only - it has no pubs.
The Pub Stop.kml is like all the old POI's where it is a mix of pubs and LR LU CR CU etc.

Should this be just pubs or a mix of pubs a wc locations because Chris said "By request, the pub stopovers are now separated from the wild camping spots".

Confused !


The Wild Camp.kml does not include the pubs. That's correct.

If you open Google Earth you will probably find that you have saved earlier versions of the KML file data under My Places.

When you exit Google Earth having loaded the KML file directly, it asks if you wish to Save or Discard the Temporary Places you've just loaded. The default option is Save ... This is probably what has happened.

If so, delete the data from My Places and start again :)


I have replied to your support ticket :)

Many thanks Canalsman, I had to reload Autoroute 2011, must have been a problem with my install of the program as your POi work ok now.
Hope to send in some POIs of my own soon, when I can get out.

Muchas gracias

Thank you Mr.
It downloaded really easy on my mac. I'm no tech-wiz but it was squeezy peasy.

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