Many questions for you seasoned travelers


I will try and keep this short
We are planning a 2/3 month tour from our home in Valencia to the UK via Poland then back to Valencia
Leg one…..Spain to France (no problem with that leg)

Leg two Across France from Spain along the n9 to Perpignan , Montpellier, Lyon, Besancon, to mullhouse
Q1 Is their any must visit or must avoids along this route-?

Leg three across Germany Lake Titisee, Stuttgart, Munich, Chemitz, Dresden, Gorlitz.
Q1 Is their any must visit or must avoids along this route-?

Leg four Across Poland via Leginca, Wroclaw. then down to Auschwitch.
Q1 Is their any must visit or must avoids along this route-?
Q2 Can anyone tell me what this road E40 is like ?
Q3 Is it possible to get to an ATM along this road to get polish money ?
Q4 We are planning to stay at the centre for prayer Auschwitch camp has any one stayed here ( will be there early December.)?

Leg five back across Poland to Forst in Germany.
Q1 Is their any must visit or must avoids along this route- E49 then E36 ?

Leg six across Germany Forst, Berlin, Hannover, Dortmund, Eindhoven
Q1 Is their any must visit or must avoids along this route-?
Q2 I read somewhere that there is a street in Dortmund known as the motorhome mile apparently they have lots of motorhome dealers can someone tell me the address ?

Leg seven across Belgium to Calais Antwerp, Ghent, Ostend, Calais
Q1 Is their any must visit or must avoids along this route-?

A visit to my old home in Devon Then Christmas in Gosport with daughter.

Leg eight Across France Calais, Reims. Orleans, Limoges, Lannemezan.
1 Is their any must visit or must avoids along this route-?
2 We are hopping to stay on the aires in Reims at Au Centre International de Séjour for new years eve has anyone stayed there?

Leg nine across Spain to home Monzon, llieda, Valencia

I have spent weeks searching forums etc but just wanted to make sure I haven’t missed out anything.We are also trying to do the whole trip using only aires or stellplatz apart from the UK .We are taking our dog so trips into cities by train or bus are out. . Sorry for the long winded posting.
I will try and keep this short

Leg two Across France from Spain along the n9 to Perpignan , Montpellier, Lyon, Besancon, to mullhouse
Q1 Is their any must visit or must avoids along this route-?

Hi Hogan,
Leg 2:
Only when you have time enough: take from Perpignan D117 (west) then head for Château de Queribus, Chau de Peyrepertuse; cross the Corbières region (narrow roads, but good wine !) towards Lagrasse, further to Carcassonne; follow as close as possible the 'Canal du Midi' towards Narbonne.
Head for Béziers, take the D909/ D16 north towards 'Cirque de Mourèze'/ Lac de Salagou.
North via Lodève A75, right off to La Couvertoirade; north D999 v
.... sorry, had a misfit..:eek:.. I go on, Hogan:
Take north from la Couvertoirade (smallest medieval town) D999 to St Hippolyte, then Anduze - Alès; the D904 to St Ambrieux and then to Vallon Pont d'Arc and the Gorges de l'Ardèche towards the Rhône-valley.
Once in the Rhône-valley don't take the péage but the D86 north up to Valence. Then head for Chaméry and the Jura.

Look for aires at
I can give you wilding places in the Jura and Alsace.
I think this is enough to give you a headache (for the moment):rolleyes:
Leg two Across France from Spain along the n9 to Perpignan , Montpellier, Lyon, Besancon, to mullhouse
Q1 Is their any must visit or must avoids along this route-?

nice to hear from someone being adventrous
i can only sugest some ideas for leg 2 and the return trip
.i would use the old n9 now i think called d6009 from perpignan as far as beziers .or if you are using the autoroute a9 then the the pont du guard isjust notrh of nimes it is a huge roman viaduct and well worth a visit overnighting was possible 2 years ago sory no up to date info on parking .

i would personaly avoid the french autoroutes if time allows may be you could go via the milau bridge its a must to see and it is on the free a 75 then to clermond ferrand then vichy/digion/beaune/to lyon mostly quiet roads

when you get to mulhouse cross to the german side of the river road no 6 to freebourg then road 294 then go through the the black forrest very nice and lots of free parking in the forrest to road no 81 then to stutgart
cant help with anything else except
return trip
from orleans i would use the A75 from clermont ferrand or use the a71/a20 to brive/toulouse/a61 /a9 /n11 back to espange.

i hope you have found a cheap ferry
sometimes it is best to get a day trip each way and dont use the return
it aint worth there while holding anyone to the return terms you only have to ring them and say you are ill and cant travel

enjoy your huge trip i look forward to hearing about it when you return home
england has not changed except the prices

we are off to the costa brava in a couple of weeks for a 3 weeks break so our paths might cross
Leg two Across France from Spain along the n9 to Perpignan , Montpellier, Lyon, Besancon, to mullhouse
Q1 Is their any must visit or must avoids along this route-?

nice to hear from someone being adventrous
i can only sugest some ideas for leg 2 and the return trip
.i would use the old n9 now i think called d6009 from perpignan as far as beziers .or if you are using the autoroute a9 then the the pont du guard isjust notrh of nimes it is a huge roman viaduct and well worth a visit overnighting was possible 2 years ago sory no up to date info on parking .

i would personaly avoid the french autoroutes if time allows may be you could go via the milau bridge its a must to see and it is on the free a 75 then to clermond ferrand then vichy/digion/beaune/to lyon mostly quiet roads

when you get to mulhouse cross to the german side of the river road no 6 to freebourg then road 294 then go through the the black forrest very nice and lots of free parking in the forrest to road no 81 then to stutgart
cant help with anything else except
return trip
from orleans i would use the A75 from clermont ferrand or use the a71/a20 to brive/toulouse/a61 /a9 /n11 back to espange.

i hope you have found a cheap ferry
sometimes it is best to get a day trip each way and dont use the return
it aint worth there while holding anyone to the return terms you only have to ring them and say you are ill and cant travel

enjoy your huge trip i look forward to hearing about it when you return home
england has not changed except the prices

we are off to the costa brava in a couple of weeks for a 3 weeks break so our paths might cross

Thank you for that I will look at the route you suggest ,If you find your self south of Valencia let me know and I can give you some wilding sites.
we have to visit calpe in the new year the relations have no parking for the motorhome
a spot near calpe would be nice to know even if it has a small charge
we have to visit calpe in the new year the relations have no parking for the motorhome
a spot near calpe would be nice to know even if it has a small charge
Hi t&s
Not sure if you are looking for wild camping or just parking,but parking is ok anywhere in Calpe during the winter,here are a few wild camping spots in and around the area.
south of carretera del puerto N 38 38 21 E 0 04 11
Calle de Xabia N38 38 33 E 0 04 19
Avenida de la diputacion N 38 38 45 E 0 02 48

On beach by river N 38 36 22 W 0 22 25
Ave del port N 38 35 31 w 0 03 18
Or have a look at

Carre dle cabo el nao N 38 44 15 E 0 12 59
Arenal beach car park N 38 49 20 E 0 11 26 Or anywhere from here keeping the sea on your right toward the port
By the port N 38 47 54 E 0 11 04 OR N 38 47 55 E 0 11 19
At the light house between Javea and Denia Warning the coast road betwenn Javea and denia is not good for large rigs N 38 48 10 E 0 11 46

hope this helps
Hi t&s
Not sure if you are looking for wild camping or just parking,but parking is ok anywhere in Calpe during the winter,here are a few wild camping spots in and around the area.
south of carretera del puerto N 38 38 21 E 0 04 11
Calle de Xabia N38 38 33 E 0 04 19
Avenida de la diputacion N 38 38 45 E 0 02 48

On beach by river N 38 36 22 W 0 22 25
Ave del port N 38 35 31 w 0 03 18
Or have a look at

Carre dle cabo el nao N 38 44 15 E 0 12 59
Arenal beach car park N 38 49 20 E 0 11 26 Or anywhere from here keeping the sea on your right toward the port
By the port N 38 47 54 E 0 11 04 OR N 38 47 55 E 0 11 19
At the light house between Javea and Denia Warning the coast road betwenn Javea and denia is not good for large rigs N 38 48 10 E 0 11 46

hope this helps
sitting on camperpark costablanca now 38 in the shade nice clean toilets and showers bread van at 9.30 am fair way from beach but if you have a bike or don't mind walking its quite easy to do.
12 euros a night isn't too bad round here but showers are extra a euro a time people are nice nice view of mountains and you can see benidorm from here too.
thanks to you both for your replys
i hope you walkers enjoy your experiance in spain we certainly do every year for the past 28 years

enjoy the friendly people you only have to show a friendly gesture and they will respond with the same
thanks to you both for your replys
i hope you walkers enjoy your experiance in spain we certainly do every year for the past 28 years

enjoy the friendly people you only have to show a friendly gesture and they will respond with the same
thanks i will certainly take that advice so far the people have been a pleasure better than some of our miserable brits
you never know they might make me feel so welcome i would stay
Leg three across Germany Lake Titisee, Stuttgart, Munich, Chemitz, Dresden, Gorlitz.
Q1 Is their any must visit or must avoids along this route-?
Hi Hogan; this will be a nice trip you're going to make.
A few hints:
From Besançon or Belfort head for Than in the Alsace, and take there the 'Chemin des Crêtes' over the Vosges mountains up to Ste Marie des Mines
(this is a specacular scenic route, but it could be closed by snow from november on). Then towards Séléstat and south visiting the medieval wine towns e.g Ribeauvillé, Ricquewihr, Kaysersberg up to Colmar. (all pretty Alsacian towns). (I'll post shortly these departements).
Cross the Rhine (and border) to Freiburg (trafficfree centre) > Titisee (cuckoo-clocks) this is the 'Schwartzwald'. (Black Forest)
Drive towards Meersburg on the Bodensee (nice trip is the ferry > Konstanz- leave the car in Meersburg).
Follow the 'Alpenstrasse' (near Austrian border) to Füssen. (nice MH Stellplatz) and get a look at the fairy-tale castle of Neuschwanstein
Füssen is also the starting point of the 'Romantische Strasse' going north via Augsburg, Donauworth, Dinkelsbuhl, Rothenburg and many other scenic old towns.
You end up in Würzburg and then you can go on via Bamberg, Bayreuth, Dresden towards Poland.
Oh what a trip Hogan; you certainly will enjoy it, :)
the romanticstrasse what an intresting drive history abounds all the way
may be we will do it again again in a few years
good idea if you have the time
but may be it is a little out of the way going via fussen and wurzburg on a journey from spain to poland?
still thats what motorhoming is about exploring new territories may be it is worth concidering
I had a list of 'Alsace' by hand, you can find it in thread European, France.
Hi Hogan, GÔRLITZ is a must. It is a small old town on the river Neskey (Neiße) The river divides Poland from old East Germany (Germany). Dresden is also a great city. If you do go there, it is a must to go to the ZWINGER. Make sure you have a camcorder and digi camera. If you are coming from the A4/E40 you can turn off for Görlitz A15. From Berlin to Cottbus E36 to Görlitz A15
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Hi t&s, Head towards the hotels and beach ares of Calpe. Once you reach the large round about at the hotels and beach, turn left at this round about. It is a dual carriage way. Drive slowly at this point, keep to your right. You will see a gap with two metal post, turn in there, it is a gravel parking area for no more than two MH's. If you miss the spot, keep driving to the next round about, come back on yourself on the otherside of the dual carriage way. On your right is the main entrance to a camp site. Pull in there for a few seconds and look across the road on the other side about 100 metres ahead and you will see the parking spot. Drive back to the round about and come back again to the gravel car park. Or you can go into the Camp site, but they are pricey.
Hi t&s, Head towards the hotels and beach ares of Calpe. Once you reach the large round about at the hotels and beach, turn left at this round about. It is a dual carriage way. Drive slowly at this point, keep to your right. You will see a gap with two metal post, turn in there, it is a gravel parking area for no more than two MH's. If you miss the spot, keep driving to the next round about, come back on yourself on the otherside of the dual carriage way. On your right is the main entrance to a camp site. Pull in there for a few seconds and look across the road on the other side about 100 metres ahead and you will see the parking spot. Drive back to the round about and come back again to the gravel car park. Or you can go into the Camp site, but they are pricey.

thanks for the info is it safe there as we have some reservations about staing in large built up areas ?

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