Just read in Which Motorhome, that Lunar Motorhomes has been bought back by a management buyout from the Dutch Tirus Group. Following on from the Autocruise debacle, is the Motorhome manufacturing industry, A) getting too interdependent on big conglomerates like Swift, Trigano, Hymer and formerly the now defunt Tirus or, b) small manufactures like Autocruise stretching themselves too far and wide to compete with the big boys. This situation is no good for anyone, a bit reminiscent of house builders in the late 80's going bust and walking away from indemnities. What I want to know is why this is happening in a market with a 4% growth compared to the static growth in Caravans, methinks too many cigar smoking pinstripes are moving in buying up and as in the late 80's doing a bit of assett stripping and taking bulging suitcases off to the Cayman's. Meanwhile all our hard earned ackers are invested in a warrantyless vans as the second tier move in to snap up the bankrupt bargains without honouring the predeccesors Warranties. Prehaps its Worth us all asking before we buy just how genuine these increasingly lenghty warrenties are?