Malvern Show


I.m sorry I did not get back to answer the "when is it" question on another thread, but I had a P.C. failure for a while.
Went to Malvern last weekend. Amazed they sold so many campervans, literally dozens with the doors locked and the Sold signs on.
Saw the digital plug in thing for T.V.on a laptop, but at £75 it seemed dear. There's one on the net from some people in Plymouth at under £30 which sounds pretty good.
Unfortunately, as often happens at these shows, seeing all the vans has made us want to change ours.
In fact, if the Part ex. had been better, we would probably be driving a 2.8 low profile now instead of our high Autoroller with far more space than the two of us need.
So I guess we will try to sell privately. Any tips on where produces good results would be appreciated.
And why do literally hundreds of vans turn up for the week end and never move at all?
We went drive-about a couple of days, saw a classic car show, did the boot sale thing, went to a National Trust house, etc., but everyone else sat so still that they even carried their Thetfords to the disposal points rather then drive there.
Maybe it's us being lazy, but I feel I have wheels, use them.
Entertainment on site was good, all Country & Western, not my scene, but I must admit the groups were excellent.
And seeing all those grown men walking around with their six guns and Bowie knives dressed up as cowboys was quite a laugh. ( And I don't mean the ones in the Western show !)
Hope we sell before Shepton show, or maybe I might be really brave and try to bring a slightly used one in from Germany or Holland.
Does £16500 sound about right for a 2000 Autoroller 4 berth 6 metre with 1.9 turbo Fiat and lots of extras ( reverse bleepers, alarms, security door locks, awning, secret safe compartment, rear speakers and suchlike) ?
With all the security stuff, you can tell we do use ours abroad, and wild camp all the time.
Cheers. Torquayite.

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