LPG leak on way to Anglesey meet.


Full Member
Fitted a new gasit system this morning ready for the Anglesey meet. Drove to Wrexham enroute and called in at Morrisons to stick a bit of LPG in so the system could be checked for leaks. First bit of LPG, the joins on the pigtails were leaking badly so tightened them up really tight, slightly better but still leaking. Tightened them again until purple in the face, still ruddy leaking. Didn't want to risk driving to the meet with leaking gas so found a quiet spot and slowly released all the gas.
Now back home, MH still loaded and I am scratching my head wondering what to do next, apart from screaming!
Hope I am not teaching you how to suck eggs, but is there a rubber washer in the pigtail joint.?
Had a similar situation on my first gas fill, found out there was no washer on pigtail. It really was minute, but enough, a little PTFE wouldn't go amiss.
Good luck with it Ral.
Hi ya,
It may be actually worth checking the Hose clips are tight enough as if the leak is escaping from there it ‘Could’ give the impression that it’s from the fitting!...
I wondered about using the gas tape but general consensus is, it isn't needed, I can't really see what harm it can do though as long as it is on the thread only?

Will give it a go.
Hi do you have a generator or would like to borrow one:idea-007::lol-049:
Fitted a new gasit system this morning ready for the Anglesey meet. Drove to Wrexham enroute and called in at Morrisons to stick a bit of LPG in so the system could be checked for leaks. First bit of LPG, the joins on the pigtails were leaking badly so tightened them up really tight, slightly better but still leaking. Tightened them again until purple in the face, still ruddy leaking. Didn't want to risk driving to the meet with leaking gas so found a quiet spot and slowly released all the gas.
Now back home, MH still loaded and I am scratching my head wondering what to do next, apart from screaming!

I think that you may have tightened them too much. They really only need nipping up, if you over tighten them it destroys the rubber washers.
When I moved my Gas_it from previous van to present van, I used Loctite gas paste on all joints. Scrounged it off the gas fitter when he was doing annual check at home.
I had a leak on my gasit bottle pigtails, it was a washer that was squeezed beyond it last breath. Put new one in from my water hose set and it as fine from then on.
So in emergency put the water washer from the hose connector in, and buy a set of spare washers from a garden centre , which are all over the place, to carry with you. They are the same size and material although the garden centre ones are dear for what they are it is better then being paranoid about leaks.

Good news is that you found out early.

Possibly a good excuse to miss the forecast bad weather.

Take care.
I had a leak on my gasit bottle pigtails, it was a washer that was squeezed beyond it last breath. Put new one in from my water hose set and it as fine from then on.
So in emergency put the water washer from the hose connector in, and buy a set of spare washers from a garden centre , which are all over the place, to carry with you. They are the same size and material although the garden centre ones are dear for what they are it is better then being paranoid about leaks.

A get out of jail card in a fix. However washers on LPG systems should be neoprene not natural rubber LPG will perish the latter in a remarkably short time.

Rockape earlier spoke of doubling up,,,,,we had to do this often re connecting statics, afterwards always tested for leaks

CalorTiite or PTFE tape on threads goes a long way to prevent leaks,apart from decent washers!

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