low emmission zone


Free Member
Having been away for a few weeks I picked up some news that the area inside the M25 is now a low emmission zone andvans (including campers) pre 2000 ish are banned or have to pay something like £100 per day to enter.

Is this so, what about camp sites etc within the zone?

An update would be appreciated.
I wouldn't want to drive in London anyway. Although my van is compliant (2006), I rarely take it in although I live only 30 miles from London. Public transport is usually better option what with parking, congestion charge and wasting fuel in traffic jams.
:mad: just cost us £4500+vat on a 56plate wagon to comply :scared:

Im sure that in the streams of letters I recieved about it (because I was in the zone last year in my 98 Transit campervan) if you get caught it is £100 a day, but only after the first time, so Im due to go to a friends? then I can? once!...they will send me a letter warning me, then if I return within 28 days I have to pay from then onwards! But cant check on web because the LEZ is a banned site at work ...hehe:scared: But WC isnt!:lol-053:
I did ring them up and tell them I rather not have all them wasted papers sent to me!:wave: (probably delivered in a non compliant vehicle, but its ok because its outside of London):lol-053:
By the way Arthur, thats a lot of money, I thought it cost about £1500/£2000.
Is that for your M/H or a truck?

It was for a Scania R420

What would happen if there was a accident on the M25 and the police diverted you through the zone?

What would happen if there was a accident on the M25 and the police diverted you through the zone?


Tuff i think....parts of the M25 are to the best of my knowledge bordering on the zone...if you are thinking of going near those parts I wouldn't bother if you are worried about having to pay on the odds of an accident causing a diversion.
Simple, If you have a diversion, make sure you turn outwards from the M25 and you should be OK.
If you have the choice, that's a good plan ...

But the police may think otherwise.

The advice in MMM a few months back was to note the exact date and time that you entered the zone following a diversion, and the date and time that you left it, and use that to contest a ticket if you get one. Apparently you shouldn't be ticketed because the system is designed to be aware of police diversions. (But I for one wouldn't trust it!)
What would happen if there was a accident on the M25 and the police diverted you through the zone?


There is infomation regarding this situation on the website. Your supposed to get the number of the policeman who diverts you, note the time, date and position of the diversion and then send this infomation off when the letter comes through advising you that you entered the LEZ without paying upfront.
Another little pleasure removed...

Just wanted to throw in a comment on this (got a nice reminder that I hadn't been on here for a while!)...

Thoroughly agree with the principle that older diesels are a serious cause of pollution and that emissions need attention, but personally, I'll really miss having weekends in The Smoke (sic) and tucking the T4 away in some cosy part of central London when the parking charges shut down.

But: Boris is shamelessly, scandalously, cheating by 'cleaning' BBC News - Boris Johnson sticks by gluing pollution to roads And: How come it's okay if you can pay for it? Even if I could afford to have the van 'converted', I think it's time to take on Firefox's approach to The City and use public transport... those Boris Bikes love em or hate em are incredibly practical.

Also: There's quite a few quiet spots close (on the 'safe' side) to the M25 to park up, then train/bike into town. Or: Just go Wilder in The Country.
Your just not welcome in the nations capital, so i for one will not be spending there.....time or money

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