Lost your radio code?


My daughter inlaw lost her radio code and was told by her car dealer it would be £15 to retrieve it:eek::mad:, so she went without for a while.
She then searched "auto radio codes" on ebay and bought one for £1.99p.
He sends you the pins to remove the radio,then you e.mail him the serial no., he then e.mails the code back to you.
Apparantly the dealers can charge up to £25 for this service:eek:. what do you think of it all?
The other day we both had mot problems and today we both have radio code problems:eek: What a coincidence:D
I was having a couple of radio's changed from old car to new at the main sub dealer and I forgot to take the old code with me, so the guy just went and got it from the registration number and computer. Took him less than 2 minutes and no charge for the code or changing the radio's over. But we were buying a car from them, however I do know they have little profit as it was just to notch up their unit sales count:D

Hope you wrote down the code number for future reference cos I think if you went back in a few weeks time and asked for the code, they might not be so generous:):cool:

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