Looking for 365 site in Berkshire


Are any members aware of pubs or sites in Berkshire where I can hook up during the week with a camper van this time of year? Preferably in the Reading area. If there are any land owners or landlords out there who can help it would be much appreciated :)

The only 365 campsites I can find are not taking camper vans.

In exchange I can offer similar on my farm in Kent (near Canterbury & Dover).

Any help would be very much appreciated, Tintin
Hi Tintin, welcome aboard! :D :D I live in a completely different part of the country but somebody should be able to help you. :confused: :confused: JIM!!
Have a look on UK Campsites

Use the campsite search feature and you should be able to filter for sites open all year
Thanks Baloo. I'd looked at this website previously but had foolishly ruled out a site that is closer to Reading than I thought. Thanks for your help. If anyone knows of an alternative option I'd still be pleased to hear.


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