Looking back . . .


Came across an old notebook of our first Motorhome trips - 1976/7. Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.

Big trip up to N Scotland (1,500 miles @ 22mpg) and I was horrified at spending 60 squid on petrol! Van was a 1600 petrol Commer Wanderer Hi-top by CI, 1972 vintage & just under 30k on the clock. Two adults plus our 4 yo daughter & a 6 month old son & our fairly recently acquire rescue dog.

Another comment; "No Camping" signs all over the place! Camp site prices around a quid a night where wilding not possible. Water taken on from toilets in one case & refused on one site where it was piped from a lochan up the hills which came our of the tap greeny-brown with peat. The locals said it was fine, but we stayed with what was in our tanks.

One lovely site was unsupervised with an "honesty box" for contributions.

Lots of roadbuilding had been going on but still a lot of single track, following the original General Wade routes built to keep the Highlanders under control after the '45 rebellion.

Plenty of rain & wind too, but some hot days - we got heat exhaustion after a 2 mile walk each way down to Gavin Maxwell's "Camusfearna".

Commented that all the local shops carried tinned & dried food & no fresh local produce when up the West Coast. We went over the Pass of Cattle to Applecross & followed teh new coast road north, past many abandoned crofts. The road had come too late.

It brought back so many lovely memories - so, all you youngsters out there, don't forget to keep a scrap book as well as loads o' piccies!

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