loo question


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Right ok sorry to ask such a nasty question, but I was wondering how often people empty their loos?

If say you don't use it often will you leave it with something in for a few weeks and just use it again and then empty when its full or do yu always empty it after every trip?

After owning one for over 2 years I used it for the first time last night, now as the chemicals are quite expensive, I'm in two minds whether to empty today knowing it may not get used for another couple of weeks or just leave whats in there and use it again then empty when required.
What you been doing, crossing your legs??

But seriously, if you put in the correct volume of blue/pink to water in the loo, I've left mine for a couple of weeks without any affect.

Obviously if it looks like freezing then empty it!!

When we're away for several days I use Aldi's Bio detergent gel as the bio action degrades the waste and you empty much more often.

Why Aldi? It's the cheapest I can find, compact, cheap and doesn't do harm to sewage works etc.
I try to empty it at every opportunity or at least every day. I can think of nothing worse than leaving the contents brewing for several days or even weeks. I also use toilet fluid and cannot understand this antipathy to it. There's no need to buy very expensive stuff and many dealers sell their own brand at about £10 for five litres and I'm not prepared to put up with foul smells for the few pence that it costs in toilet fluid.

I put in about a hundred cc at a time as I usually empty it well before it's full. That equates to 20p per use which is probably less than the dishwasher tablets and other weird substitutes that people use, in order (they think), to save money. You don't need to be a maths genius to work out that this also gives me 50 sessions. Sometimes I empty it every day, other times it may last two days but, on average I probably get 60-70 nights out of my £10 bottle of fluid. How can anyone consider that expensive?

If we're unable to empty it one day and it starts to get more full I just drop in another 100 cc. Another advantage of regular emptying is that a full cassette can be very heavy!

Finally, I suspect that leaving it for some time may cause problems. Gasses are generated and there's always the chance that you'll open the blade and find that you're getting a faceful of something very nasty!
I empty mine at every opportunity , I have a SOG on mine, { no chemicals , just an extraction fan system } I would not dream of leaving it with waste in it for a couple of weeks even if I were using Chemicals or not.
Cheers for the replies, I bought the chemicals when I bought the loo over 2 years ago, but had read since buying them that there are cheaper and better options, so when / if they run out i'll go down the line of hte chepare options. Someone did say about washing powder. but i'll have a re-read of it when the time arrises
i have emptied loos from vans left in foreign parts,some left full for over a year and not as bad as you'd think.
Mine, I empty every 1 to 2 weeks when it gets full. For me, life is too short to empty it every day. Sometimes I use a chemical in the flush tank, sometimes I follow VWalan's advice and don't use any chemicals at all. You don't need any special chemicals or any special toilet paper either. A good spray of air freshener works wonders when keeping the blade open for a minimal time.
I empty when its full, or when I suspect its going to be difficult to find somewhere to empty in the next few days.

i also use as little chemical as possible, a few times I not bothered at all, just made sure there was a bit of water in the toilet first. Though tend not to use if for number 2. If we do use that then i'll try and empty asap and will use chem.

I also try and use public toilets as much as possible or pee in the woods/bushes etc if possible. Why have the hastle of empting two tanks when you only need to empty one :cool1:
I empty when possible, you never know when the next opportunity arises.
I try to do number 1 in bottles and only number 2 goes in the loo. The loo lasts far longer that way between emptyings.
No 1 only...No 2 at a local hotel, Inn, or Services when the toilet is presentable. Use a bio tab in the waste compartment and about 50 cc of nice smelling disinfectant in the flush tank....then I can use a public toilet to empty....when you flush there is a nice smell....have left it for 3 - 4 days when travelling with no foul smells...but empty when about half full as it gets heavy as previously mentioned.
I empty mine when it is almost full. I always use chemicals and make sure that it emptied into the sewerage system even it that means putting it into a wheely shopping trolley to enter a public loo! However I find that if I'm wilding for three days over a weekend it's on the border of being full by the time I return home. I also use my van as extra sleeping accomodation for hubby and me when i've got visitors during winter months and still only empty it periodically when full! Never found it to smell with chemicals.
We don't pee in the thetford, it causes scale, we use the bushes or the dunes or whatever during the day & a lidded bucket at night & chuck it out with the wash water into the hedgerow in the morning. I was brought up wild camping & dinghy sailing & one gets used to this, our family called it "Bucket & Chuckit".
As for No.2s, we try to choose a beach or location with a public loo, if there's nothing about we'll have to use the 'van. Sometimes we've gone 2-3 weeks before empyting & not experienced any smell. I think it's the urine sloshing about in there that contributes greatly to these smells.
Best tip I heard (probably read on this site) was always have a large rucksack, to sneak full cassette into public loo, for stealth emptying when desperate.
What a lovely topic to be reading at teatime, but as I have here goes. We try to avoid No.2's if possible but when caught short I find it takes a little time to break down but try to empty whenever possible but look to last about 3 days between dumps.;)
Don't use chemicals, don't have a SOG, empty as often as possible, do both lasts a couple of days before it needs emptying. Having said that we have mostly been on small sites, cl's and pub car parks, so it hasn't been a problem. Don't get any smells and no problem when emptying.:)
We use bio liquid as this seems to produce less of a smell than blue liquid. Empty when full or as soon as we get home.
use zoflora hyncaith that good enogh for me when home empty it after i had bath just chuck it in bath give it a good scrub it like in never been used why waste hot water it only got soap and radox in
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