Log book


Does anyone know where I can get a log book from? At the moment I am using an old excercise book, but would like something a little neater. I like to record mileage, fuel, where we have been, and add the occasional piccy etc. etc.
Boatman :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
boatman said:
Does anyone know where I can get a log book from? At the moment I am using an old excercise book, but would like something a little neater. I like to record mileage, fuel, where we have been, and add the occasional piccy etc. etc.
Boatman :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
maybe if you are near a marine supplier or ships chandlers they might have one sure they have them on the Starship Enterprise as well.
Log Book

boatman said:
Does anyone know where I can get a log book from? At the moment I am using an old excercise book, but would like something a little neater. I like to record mileage, fuel, where we have been, and add the occasional piccy etc. etc.
Boatman :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

I started keeping a log on my lap top when I first got Heidi. Now it has grown to:

Mileage Log - Also converts Ks to miles
Fuel used and Cost - Also gives L/100k and MGP
Gas Purchased and Cost
Campsite Fees - Also records Deposits paid and future payments to be made
Other Expenses - Ferry Costs etc
Repairs and Servicing

Each has its own page in the Workbook. I used excel

It would be simple to add a section in the same folder to record your thoughts and pictures. Imm I think I'll start that off this weekend.

I simply called the folder Heidi's Log.

You can then save it, e-mail it home or print it as required

My partner says I am anally retentive for filling all this rubish in.
John Thompson said:
I started keeping a log on my lap top when I first got Heidi. Now it has grown to:

Mileage Log - Also converts Ks to miles
Fuel used and Cost - Also gives L/100k and MGP
Gas Purchased and Cost
Campsite Fees - Also records Deposits paid and future payments to be made
Other Expenses - Ferry Costs etc
Repairs and Servicing

Each has its own page in the Workbook. I used excel

It would be simple to add a section in the same folder to record your thoughts and pictures. Imm I think I'll start that off this weekend.

I simply called the folder Heidi's Log.

You can then save it, e-mail it home or print it as required

My partner says I am anally retentive for filling all this rubish in.
wouldn't call it rubbish after all a sudden increase in fuel or gas consumption would show up and certainly be worth investigating
Thanks everyone for your suggestions. The Amazon option is looking favourite. I am a bit worried about just using my laptop, in case a) it crashes or b) I press the wrong key and delete everything. Thanks again. Boatman
I keep all my logs in excel spreadsheets on my PDA. It is also used for my Tomtom satnav.

It's an Acer N35 with built in flip-up satnav receiver. Great piece of kit. I back up to PC at home and laptop with us in MH.
Microsoft Works has a spreadsheet template called Vehicle Log!!

If you're worried about 'loosing' it, just back it up to a floppy or RW CD now and again.

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