Lock up your Tanks


looks like the tanker drivers are going on strike. I have a full tank which is over £120, I thinking of standing guard by staying in the camper even while parked at home, Anyone got a spare 12 bore?

:mad2: :mad2:

Yes, mine is plastic. It's fairly difficult to get at, but for an experienced thief there is not much defense.
They wont get owt out of my camper :) its bone dry (reading says white line - below the red line haha)
well if a lot of people go out and fill there tank then there will be a shortage ,those who cant afford to fill there tanks will be losers ,So if you fill your tank ask yourself do i need it . The shortage wil be felt a lot quicker if we all fill our tanks
well if a lot of people go out and fill there tank then there will be a shortage ,those who cant afford to fill there tanks will be losers ,So if you fill your tank ask yourself do i need it . The shortage wil be felt a lot quicker if we all fill our tanks

I always fill my tank on return from a trip, ready for the next trip. Its not that I can afford it, as a OAP on basic pension it hard to do, but I like to be ready :drive:
The fuel price rarely comes down - so if you can afford to fill the tank right up, you'll save a few bob in the long run ...
Cameron and Obama discussed releasing oil reserves to bring the price down.

I hope they do as it will take about 70 litres to brim my tank at the moment.
Mine is FULL as of yesterday and ready for France on good friday. I can get near 500miles at 60mph so no fear of gettin stuck in this £$%^ hole. Just bought another €400 for £338 off Caxton while its 1:18 enough for apprx 285litres or 4 full tanks :)
Trust me...the markets are being greedily manipulated. The gamblers who used to control the stocks and shares and property markets are no longer able to do so. Since 2008 they have turned their attention to commodities......oil, basic foodstuffs, metals etc. This is the reason your prices are rising and lead and copper are being stolen for scrap. There is no shortage ( except for those who can't afford to buy). There is no large rise in demand. It is sheer greed and manipulation.
MH fuel tanks arn't the only ones their after, they tried to get my tanks of red diesel the other night, :mad2:didn't get far though.:dance: prefer the .22 semi auto myself :wave:
All they will get if they go for mine is a load of WVO as my diesel tank is inside the van! :dance:
That said however as its an ex fuzz wagon it has a thick fibreglass reinforcing skin around the tank anyway so it will take them a little while longer to get through.
Not a problem with diesel but petrol and a rechargeable drill! KABOOOOOOM.
MH fuel tanks arn't the only ones their after, they tried to get my tanks of red diesel the other night, :mad2:didn't get far though.:dance: prefer the .22 semi auto myself :wave:

Have you got a spare.

i put £30 in yesterday then herd the news today so went and put another £89 today only because im off to newquay next week and want to make it there
Dont mind if i cant get home tho :)
:banana:How far away are you its got a fair range might be able to reach from here:banana::raofl::D

to far I think Yorkshire, but I'm from your end of the woods (Maidstone) and come down now and again. evewn with telescopic sites I dont think you could get this far. (Shame)
It's bloody sods law, I am suposed to be going away on Sat I have 11 days off work so was planning to go away. I have only had a couple of weekends away since getting my motor home in Jan, I will fill my tank tomorrow but will be worried that I am going to get stranded not able to get fuel.
I wouldn't worry - yet ... The drivers have yet to be balloted, so it'll be some time before any strike might take place.
I've not watched the news or read papers, usually don't because you normally get to here what's going on anyway. but for the last couple of nights Ive not been able to get a phone signal. I'm on the Isle of Mull enjoying the 20 C shorts and tshirt weather on Calgarry Bay. ;)
I'm now in the the Ross of
mull and can get a flaky phone signal, so I thought Id check out the wildcamping forums and have come across this thread.
I have about half a tank of diesel left and will be heading back to South Wales for the 31st.
Does this mean I'll have to ring work and tell them I can't make it. That would be an awful shame. ;)

Going off topic but my wife and I have been on tour around Scotland since the 5th March. Our sat naf. That was preloaded with the widcamp spots gave up the ghost after heading for applecross, so we have had to improvise and find our own. I will have to check with google maps to see if we've come with any new ones and I'll give the heads up to Canalsman of any new ones we have discovered. That is of course providing that I can get diesel to get home. ;)
Francis Maude MP was on TV news this am suggesting people should fill thier tanks and store fuel in jerry cans ( the fire brigades union is already on his case).
Being something of a synic I wonder if this is about tanker drivers or is the government desperate for fuel duty revenue.

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