I was that impressed with Carol's at the Bugsworth meet, I read them up then bought one off eBay. You have to be a bit careful has Carol pointed out earlier. Most will start petrel engine's, but are quite limited on diesel engines. Some say the engine size for both fuels. Some just say will start diesel engines, but not the size which could be very small. The one I bought can fire a diesel up 22 times, I think it was up to 5 liters. It came today so will check it out more later. It was forty odd quid so dearer than most. It comes with nice case, it has a torch, charges laptops, phones, emergency flashing lights, this one also has a little bonus of a tyer pump that works off it's own
battery. Just need to try it all now and not burst into tears coz it's rubbish.
.... Tom ....