

I have been fortunate to never suffer too badly with lichen. However this year there seems to be a larger build up than normal.

What do you use to get rid of it? All home remedies, solutions and old wives tales gratefully recieved (the cheaper the better) :D

Regards Captain.

Hi Cap`n,

You are not going to believe me after my post yesterday but once again the answer is White Vinegar diluted with water. Use plenty of water to wash down afterwards.

I did mine earlier this year and asked the same question as you on here.

It worked for me and this is definitely not a wind up.:D
Hi Cap`n,

You are not going to believe me after my post yesterday but once again the answer is White Vinegar diluted with water. Use plenty of water to wash down afterwards.

I did mine earlier this year and asked the same question as you on here.

It worked for me and this is definitely not a wind up.:D

It's true - white wine vinegar does all sorts - it's a bit like a natural WD40!
Cheers Both, will give it a whirl.

Maingate, have you got shares in Sarsons?!! :D
I will go along with what others have said, vinegar is great for all sorts of cleaning jobs.
As an update, have just been out to 'give it a whirl' and it works really well :D

I am now a convert to the powers of Sarsons!

Thanks to all who replied with the advice :)
On a positive note Lichen only grows where there is low air pollution and you can use it to help you navigate if you ever get lost in a forest. It grows on the South side of tree trunks.

That vinegar tip is worth knowing.
On a positive note Lichen only grows where there is low air pollution and you can use it to help you navigate if you ever get lost in a forest. It grows on the South side of tree trunks.

That vinegar tip is worth knowing.

I had this problem years ago on a caravan and found Domestos in the washing water once a year cleared it and kept it away.

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