Letter from adac


Full Member
Have other people received a letter from ADAC? Can't get my Google translate to work - can anyone tell me what it's about? Cheers:D
Have other people received a letter from ADAC? Can't get my Google translate to work - can anyone tell me what it's about? Cheers:D

I got mine today. Basically it is a letter kicked off by this new Euro GDPR - EU GDPR Information Portal - similar to all the emails you have probably had from websites you'd forgotten you'd even visited telling you how your data and privacy is managed.
Thanks. So no need to contact them? I get worried about losing my ADAC membership!
Only if you want to check what they know about you. I don't intend to as I know what they know about me as I told them :dance:

I was wondering intially if it were about not doing renewals for non-German Residents :(
Only if you want to check what they know about you. I don't intend to as I know what they know about me as I told them :dance:

I was wondering intially if it were about not doing renewals for non-German Residents :(

Yes, that's my worry too! How did you translate it btw? I tried my google translate with the camera but nothing happened and couldn't work out why ... :rolleyes2:
Yes, that's my worry too! How did you translate it btw? I tried my google translate with the camera but nothing happened and couldn't work out why ... :rolleyes2:
I would love to just say I read it but my German is much more conversational then literary, so I used Google Translate with the Camera.
The App wanted to do a 25MB download first so maybe an update? did you get that prompt?
I received the letter today and struggled with Google Translate for some time trying to get the gist of what it said ... then gave up!

I'm glad to know it is not of concern. I feared there might be an impact on us Brits who are members.
Just looked at it again and there is some blurb on conditions. Think a change as in red. These might affect some ....
Max weight 7500kg, height 3.2M, length 10M, width 2.55M.
This doesn’t apply to me as I haven’t got/joined whatever it is but double check the translation to make sure you have it right. A lot of the info being sent out has to be replied to if you want to continue being updated/sent newsletters etc.

Not all are though but better be safe than sorry and out of all the members here there must be a few fluent in German
This doesn’t apply to me as I haven’t got/joined whatever it is but double check the translation to make sure you have it right. A lot of the info being sent out has to be replied to if you want to continue being updated/sent newsletters etc.

Not all are though but better be safe than sorry and out of all the members here there must be a few fluent in German

Amongst other things the letter says that since last October they stopped sending their Motorwelt magazine to foreigners and gives a link to get the online one. adac.de/epaper You have to register as with many organisations. I did it with a lot of backwards and forwards with translators to fill the firm in as I do not speak German. I was not able to read the changes in the attachment to the letter so any further information would be great. Not sure why I registered for the magazine actually!
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My interpretation is that the Motorwelt magazine will be online only in future, to save the planet.
They stopped sending it out to the uk a while ago so presumably it must be for all members now.

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