lets play safe 2006


well i thought it may help the new ones to this game it was 12 mounths ago that i posted this .ive been a lorry driver for 18 years on/off and had lots of nights away, from the middle of london to the mountains of scotland .so i hope some of these tips may help you . 1,if it dont feel right it usally aint right. 2 keep alow light in side the van or no light atall so you can see out . 3 .park van very close to hedge so no one can walk around van . 4 park in a puddle bigger the better 5. have van ready to go 6. keep agood touch ie, 6 cell mag lite [IN EYES OF THE LAW ITS ONLY A TOUCH] 7. ive got wire rope that goes across the front doors and got door chains on the back door , make shaw you can get out in a emergency ,ie, fire 8. know where you are on the map [GOOD MAP PHILLIPS NAVIGATER] 9. park down dead end road /lane and count the cars that go by there should not be alot 10, when parking up just look around you if shops have got shutters ,gates big padlocks gaurd dogs cameras ,may not be a good place any one eles got ideas then write the down to help the new members keep camping safely :unsure:
Hi Timmy,

Thanks for your invaluable safety tips and considerable experience, yep there are some good ones there.

I can only think of three to add.

1. Check verges etc. for piles of beer cans & Buckie bottles.
2. Check around for half empty take aways.
3. Check in the near vicinity for skid marks on road.

All can be signs of lots of boisterous or unruly youngsters.

With friendly greetings,
Hi Timmy and Ian

What about a "Beware of the Dog" sign. We have them in English, French and Spanish! We do have dogs but they would probably help anyone intent on mishchief.

Incidently - on the subject of dogs - be aware that they themselves are the target very often now. Don't go leaving them in vulnerable places like outside shops etc. Dog stealing is the fastest growing crime apparantly. Cats too can be a target. Anything that can be sold or held to ransom. Police say asking for money for return of pet is not a crime. What a world!
Kind regards

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