leisure battery - flat


help please...
by strange co incidence i was bout to put fingers to the keypad re my little prob... i've been driving about without leisure battery as i was daft enough to leave the master switch on for @ 5 wks so teh batt went right down :eek:... (keep my van in storage 35 mins away unfortunately so didnt know) but i charged it up by connecting teh hook up to indoors for 2 days and then a wk later it was flat again...so it was probably a false reading ? so now its on charge from a batt charger... if put it back on again do you think it will stay or have i run it down sooo much i've no hope? it was a new battery as well...may store it on the drive from now on which won't please the neighbours but at least save money :)


Wallace n Gromit are looking forward to a day by sea soon with or without batt !:)
I would say you may have to get your battery tested, after you try charging it agian also i dont think it should take two days to charge there maybe somthing wrong with it;)
Oh and by the way if your battery is new it will have a guarantee some for two years.
If you let your battery go right down flat it can warp the plates inside so they end up touching each other and that will damage the cells it has been know that you can buy a battery new with that fault ;) :)
Oh and by the way if your battery is new it will have a guarantee some for two years.
If you let your battery go right down flat it can warp the plates inside so they end up touching each other and that will damage the cells it has been know that you can buy a battery new with that fault ;) :)
a 100% battery has to give 12,7 V
12,6 V = 90%
12,5 V = 80%
12,4 V = 70%
The 'red' zone:
12,3 V = 60%
12,2 V = 50%
possible 'dead' below
12,1 V = 40%
Leisure batteries used to have thicker plates (could stand lower discharge), but what they sell nowadays as leisures are exactly the same as start-batteries; (only at a higher price) :mad:
Hope your guarantee will work :confused:

for the info Trev and Belgian- unfortunately a new batt was with the Mot and dont have the receipt for that but will see what the garage says . I can only try my feminine charm !!!! ;)
for the info Trev and Belgian- unfortunately a new batt was with the Mot and dont have the receipt for that but will see what the garage says . I can only try my feminine charm !!!! ;)
Good luck, feminine charm will go a long way in this world.;)
Did it work ?

How did the feminine charm works ?:confused:
Saw the headings allready " woman with flat battery made tension raise in a garage..."LOL :D
Women are heroes :)
Keep us informed please
did it work....

well....ive put the battery back on at the weekend and down to teh new forest on Saturday for 1 week so will let you know when im back. the plates arent touching :) so glad about that ...lesson learnt i hope :eek: to recheck everything twice when i lock up just in case ....
thanks all

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