Legal Lay By Camping?


I am brand new to Wild Camping. I Think your site is Brilliant. But I am not yet very confident in just parking up. So is it legal to stop overnight in Beach Car Parks, as some recommend? And are you legally allowed to park in a lay by on a "B" or "C" road overnight?
Legalised - wild camping

I am brand new to Wild Camping. I Think your site is Brilliant. But I am not yet very confident in just parking up. So is it legal to stop overnight in Beach Car Parks, as some recommend? And are you legally allowed to park in a lay by on a "B" or "C" road overnight?
DONT WORRY ABOUT WHAT IS LEGAL. If you stop to camp the night then simply remove a fuse from the headlights and tell any nosy policeman that you will be on your way at first light the following morning after the lights have been sorted out. Sweet dreams.
Another useful tip I've heard (but not needed to use) is to say that you are really tired, and are taking a break as suggested in the highway code. Ask for police persons number incase you are subsequently involved in an accident, as they are instrumental in making you drive while tired. I am led to bvelieve they will allow you to get some rest.

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